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SPP 334

Author: Stephen White, Neil Munro and Richard Rose
Description: This paper explores the relationship between the views of Russians on foreign policy issues and voting in the 1999 Duma election, using data gathered in New Russia Barometer VIII, a post-election survey of January 2000. The paper explores the differences between the foreign policy platforms of the various parties, as well as of their supporters. Discriminant function analysis shows that foreign policy issues play only a minor role in voting. Attitudes toward closer integration with the CIS and with the EU are the most divisive foreign policy issues, with Communist supporters favouring CIS integration and Yabloko and Right Forces preferring integration with Europe. Large majorities of Russians want closer relations with Belarus and Ukraine, but they are less keen on integration with other CIS states.

Price: £3.00
Postal Address:    CSPP Publications, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, G1 1XQ, UK

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