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New Europe Barometer 2004

7 October 2004

The autumn, 2004 Barometer survey tracks trends due to a divergence among post-Communist states and/or convergence with European Union members. NEB regularly monitors the eight new member states of the EU--the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia--plus two applicant countries--Bulgaria and Romania. It also covers key successor states of the former Soviet Union, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.


A1 Here is a scale for ranking how the economic system works: the top, plus 100, is the best; the bottom, minus 100, the worst (SHOW CARD)
*SHOW CARD should have a VERTICAL scale: Plus 100 at top and minus 100 at bottom. It should NOT have "don't know" printed on it.
1a. Where on this scale would you put the Socialist economic system before the revolution of 1989?
1b. Where on this scale would you put our current economic system?
1c. Where would you put our economic system in five years time?

A2. As for your own household, how do you rate its economic situation today?
1. Very satisfactory
2. Fairly satisfactory
3. Not very satisfactory
4. Very unsatisfactory

A3. When you compare the overall economic situation of your household with what it was before the big transformation in the economy. Would you say that in the past it was:
1. Much better
2. A little better
3. About the same
4. A little worse
5. A lot worse

A4. What do you think the economic situation of your household will be in five years time?
1. Much better
2. A little better
3. About the same
4. A little worse
5. A lot worse

A5. Does your household have any of the following?
5a. Colour television (For each record: Yes/ No
5b. Video cassette recorder
5c. Car
5d. And do you sometimes use the Internet at home or elsewhere?

A6. Do you get enough money from your main source of income to buy what you really need?
1. Definitely enough
2. Just enough
3. Not quite enough
4. Definitely not enough

A7a. If your household was very short of money, is there a friend or relative from whom you could borrow as much as a month's wage or pension?
1. Definitely
2. Probably
3. Probably not
4. Definitely not

A7b. In the past year, has your household:
1. Saved money
2. Just got by
3. Spent some savings
4. Borrowed money
5. Spent savings and borrowed money

A8. How long will it be before you have reached a standard of living with which you are content?
1-2 years
3-5 years
6-10 years
More than 10 years
Don't know
Already content

A9. On this card you will find a set of contrasting opinions about public problems. Please say which alternative you agree with, whether strongly or somewhat (SHOW CARD)

A9 a) Rising prices are the biggest threat to our family
Definitely agree 1
Somewhat agree 2
b) Unemployment is the biggest threat to our family
Definitely agree 3
Somewhat agree 4

A9 c) Do you think it is better when there are plenty of goods in the shops even if they are expensive
Definitely agree 1
Somewhat agree 2
d) Is it better when prices are kept low by the state even if there are few goods in the shops
Definitely agree 3
Somewhat agree 4

A9 e) Multinational companies should be able to sell their products, such as soft drinks, television sets, and cars in this country.
Definitely agree 1
Somewhat agree 2
f) People should buy only goods produced in this country.
Definitely agree 3
Somewhat agree 4

B1. How interested would you say you are in politics?
1. Very interested
2. Somewhat interested
3. A little interested
4. Not at all interested

B2. Here is a scale for ranking how our system of government works. The top, plus 100, is the best; the bottom, minus 100, the worst. (SHOW CARD: Note the scale is VERTICAL. It should NOT have the words "don't know" printed on it)

2a. Where on this scale would you put the former Communist regime?

2b. Where on this scale would you put our current system of governing with free elections and many parties?

2c. Where on this scale would you put our system of governing five years in the future?

B 3. Our present system of government is not the only one that this country has had. Some people say that we would be better off if the country was governed differently. What do you think?

3a. We should return to Communist rule?
1. Strongly agree
2. Somewhat agree
3. Somewhat disagree
4. Strongly disagree

3b. Best to get rid of Parliament and elections and have a strong leader who can quickly decide everything?
1. Strongly agree
2. Somewhat agree
3. Somewhat disagree
4. Strongly disagree

3c. The army should govern the country?
1. Strongly agree
2. Somewhat agree
3. Somewhat disagree
4. Strongly disagree

B4 How LIKELY do you think it is that in the next few years:
4a. The Communist system would be restored?
Very likely/ Maybe / Not very likely/ Not at all likely

4b. A strong leader would replace government by an elected parliament?
Very likely/ Maybe / Not very likely/ Not at all likely

4c. The army would govern the country?
Very likely/ Maybe / Not very likely/ Not at all likely

B5. Compared to our system of government before perestroika, would you say our current system is better, much the same, or worse than the old system in terms of whether:....?
5a. Everybody has a right to say what they think
1. Much better
2. Somewhat better
Much the same
Somewhat worse
Much worse

5b. One can join any organisation one likes
1. Much better
2. Somewhat better
3. Much the same
4. Somewhat worse
5. Much worse

5c. Everyone can decide individually whether or not to take an interest in politics
1. Much better
2. Somewhat better
3. Much the same
4. Somewhat worse
5. Much worse

5d. Everybody has freedom of choice in religious matters
1. Much better
2. Somewhat better
3. Much the same
4. Somewhat worse
5. Much worse

B6. Under our present system of government do you think people like yourself are treated equally and fairly by government.
1. Definitely agree
2. Somewhat agree
3. Disagree somewhat
4. Definitely disagree

B7. Under our present system of government how much influence do you think people like yourself can have on government?
1. A lot of influence
2. Some influence
3. Not much influence
4. No influence

B8. How many elected politicians care what people like you think?
1. Most politicians care
2. About half care
3. Less than half care
4. Hardly any care

B9. Would you say that the most election of parliament was conducted fairly or not?
1. It was a fair election
2. To some extent fair
3. Not very fair
4. Not at all fair

B10. How much respect do you think this country's government has for individual human rights?        
       1. A lot of respect
       2. Some respect
       3. Not much respect
       4. No respect at all

B11. How widespread do you think bribe-taking and corruption are in this country?
1. Very few public officials are corrupt
2. Less than half are corrupt
3. Most public officials are engaged in it
4. Almost all public officials are engaged in it

C1a. With which of the following do you most closely identify yourself? (SHOW CARD)
C1b. And which do you identify with secondly?
(Two answers: code which is chosen lst, which 2nd)
a. Local community or city in which I live
b. Region
c. Country:
d. ADD Soviet Union IN Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
Czechoslovakia for Czech, Slovak questionnaires
Yugoslavia: in Slovenia
e. Europe
f. Other

C2. Do you have an officially designated nationality on your passport or identity card? (Adapt replies to the country's circumstances, e.g. for HUNGARY:
1. Titular nationality of country: Hungarian
2. Minority nationality of country: Romanian
3. Gypsies
4. Nationality of another country
5. Other ----- (Record)
6. I do not have an officially designated nationality.

C3. Are you proud of being a citizen of this country?
1. Very proud
2. Somewhat proud
3. Not very proud
4. Not at all proud

C4. Do you think any of these pose a real threat to peace and security in this society? (READ OUT NAMES OF EACH)
Big threat / Some threat Little threat / No threat
4a) Russia
4b) United States
4c) Neighbouring countries
4d) National minorities in our society
4e) Immigrants/refugees from other societies


D1. Do you belong to any sports, arts, community or charitable organization?

D2. Do you identify with any political party?
Yes/ No

D3. Some people say that government often seems so complicated that they cannot really understand what is going on . As far this statement is concerned, would you:
1. Definitely agree
2. Somewhat agree
3. Somewhat disagree
4. Definitely disagree

D4. To what extent do you trust each of the following institutions to look after your interests? Please indicate on a scale with 1 for no trust at all and 7 great trust.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
a. Courts
b. Political parties
c. Army
d. Parliament
e. Police
f. President
g. Trade unions
h. Church (give name of state or dominant church, eg, Orthodox church/ Catholic
i. Most people in this country
j. Most people you know

D5. Do you think that people like yourself ought to make the big decisions about what government does OR that this should be the job of elected politicians?
1 Definitely ordinary people
2 Usually ordinary people
3 Usually elected politicians
4 Definitely elected politicians

D6 Do you think it would be a good idea if referendums were held frequently so that you could vote for or against major changes in the law?
1. Definitely agree
2. Somewhat agree
3. Somewhat disagree
4. Definitely disagree

D7. With which of the following statements do you agree most?
1. Democracy is preferable to any other kind of government.
2. Under some circumstances, an authoritarian government can be preferable to a democratic one.
3. For people like me, it does not matter whether we have a democratic or a non-democratic regime


E1. On this card you will find a set of contrasting opinions about public problems. Please say which alternative you agree with, whether strongly or somewhat

E1 a) Incomes should be made more equal, so there is no great difference
Definitely agree 1
Somewhat agree 2
b) Individual achievement should determine how much people are paid
Definitely agree 3
Somewhat agree 4

E1 c) Individuals should take responsibility for themselves and their livelihood
Definitely agree 1
Somewhat agree 2
d) The state should be responsible for everyone's material security
Definitely agree 3
Somewhat agree 4

E1 e) State ownership is the best way to run an enterprise
Definitely agree 1
Somewhat agree 2
f) An enterprise is best run by private entrepreneurs
Definitely agree 3
Somewhat agree 4

E1 g) A good job is one that is secure even if it doesn't pay very much
Definitely agree 1
Somewhat agree 2
h) A good job pays a lot of money, even if it is not so secure
Definitely agree 3
Somewhat agree 4

E1 j) Government should cut taxes even if it means reducing spending on education, health care and pensions
Definitely agree 1
Somewhat agree 2
k) Even if it means people like myself pay more in taxes, government should spend more on education, health and pensions
Definitely agree 3
Somewhat agree 4

E2. On the whole, are you very satisfied, fairly satisfied, not very satisfied, or not at all satisfied with the way democracy works in our country?
1. Very satisfied
2. Fairly satisfied
3. Not very satisfied
4. Not at all satisfied

E3a. Some people think this country would be better governed if parliament were closed down and all parties were abolished. How likely do you think this is to happen in the next few years?
1. Very likely
2. Maybe
3. Not very likely
4. Not at all likely

E3b. If Parliament was closed down and parties abolished, would you:
1. Definitely approve
2. Somewhat approve
3. Somewhat disapprove
4. Definitely disapprove

E4. Here is a scale ranging from a low of 1 to a high 10: 1 means complete dictatorship and 10 means complete democracy. (SHOW CARD)
NB: This scale should be HORIZONTAL
    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10   
Complete                                       Complete
Dictatorship                                        Democracy

E4 a. Where would you like our political system to be?
E4 b. Where would you place our country at the present time?
E4 c. Where would you expect our country to be in five years time?

E 5. Do you think having regular elections makes politicians do what people want.
1. To a large extent
2. To some extent
3. Not very much
4. Not at all


F 1. How would you evaluate the work of the police in preventing crime in your community?
1. Very good
2. Fairly good
3. Not so good
4. Bad

F 2. In the past year, have you or anyone in your family or friends been the victim of a crime on the street or had your house broken into?
1. Yes, self
2. Yes, member of family
3. Yes, friend
4. No one experienced crime

F 3. Over the past 12 months, would you say your physical health has been:
1. Very good
2. Good
3. Average
4. Poor
5. Very poor

F 4. Over the past 12 months, would you say your emotional health has been:
1. Very good
2. Good
3. Average
4. Poor
5. Very poor

F 5. How would you evaluate the current system for health care in this country?
1. Very good
2. Fairly good
3. Not so good
4. Bad

F 6. Some people feel they have completely free choice and control over their lives, while others feel that what they do has no real effect on what happens to them. How about yourself?
Where would you place yourself on this scale, where (1) represents having no freedom or control over how your life turns out and (10) represents having a great deal of free choice and control? SHOW CARD: HORIZONTAL SCALE
    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10   
None                                        Great deal

F.7 Do you smoke cigarettes?
1. Yes, smoke now
2. Smoked in past
3. Have never smoked

F.8 Here is a list of activities that you might do during a typical day. Does your health now limit your ability in these activities? If so, how much? (SHOW CARD)
Three options for each item below:
1 Yes, limited a lot
2 Yes, limited a little
3 No, not limited at all

F8a. Vigorous activities such as running, lifting heavy objects, participating in strenuous sports.
F8b. Moderate activities such as moving a table, pushing a vacuum cleaner.
F8c. Lifting or carrying a bag of groceries.
F8d Climbing several flights of stairs
F8e Climbing one flight of stairs
F8f Bending, kneeling or stooping
F8g Walking two kilometres
F8h Walking one kilometre
F8i Walking one hundred metres
F8j Bathing and dressing yourself


G1. How old are you? _____ (Record age in years)

G2. Record Gender Female / Male

G3. What is your current marital status?
1. Never married
2. Live together but not married
3. Married but live apart
4. Married and live together
5. Divorced
6. Widow(er)

G4a. What is your economic status?
1. Employed fulltime or part time: Go to 4b
2. Unemployed, seeking work Go to G4b
3. Pensioner Go to G 5
4. Drawing pension AND employed
5. Student
6. Housewife
7. Other

G4b. Are you a member of a trade union?

G4c Which of the following best describes your employer? Is it: (Read out)
1. State budgetary organization (e.g. school, hospital)
2. State-owned enterprise
3. Privatized enterprise
4. Mixed state-private
5. New private enterprise since 1990
6. Foreign-owned enterprise, joint venture
7. Other

G5 What is your highest level of education?
(IF a student, record qualification for which currently studying, for example university degree or technical college qualification)
1. Elementary or lower
2. Incomplete secondary
3. Incomplete secondary, vocational
4. Complete secondary
5. Complete secondary, vocational
6. Technical college
7. Higher incomplete
8. University degree

G 6. In this envelope is a ballot with the names of political parties. Please put a cross by the name of the party that you are likely to vote for if a parliamentary election were held next month?
[Code replies as in the standard practice of your institute]

G7 . Looking at this card, what would you say was the total income of your family during the last month from all sources? (SHOW CARD)

G8a. What religious group do you belong to?
1. Roman Catholic
2. Protestant
3. Orthodox Church
4. Jewish
5. Moslem
6. Other
7. Not a believer: Go to G 9

G8b (If names a religion) How often do you go to church or religious services?
1. At least once a week
2. Once or twice a month
3. A few times a year
4. About once a year
5. Less often
6. Never go to church

G 9. There are people in a high position in this society and others who have a low status. Where would you put yourself on this ladder: (SHOW CARD with vertical ladder as below):
7=Highest status
1 =Lowest status

G 10. Do you think people today are afraid to say what they think to strangers?
1. Definitely afraid
2. Somewhat
3. Not particularly
4. Not at all afraid

G11. Town size: standard categories used by the survey institute

Do NOT prompt respondent by offering Dont Know as an alternative unless explicitly instructed to do so in the questionnaire.
IF a respondent replies "I don't know", this should be coded: 99
IF a respondent's answer does not fit any of the pre-coded alternatives, code: NO RESPONSE: Code 98

© Richard Rose

CSPP School of Government & Public Policy U. of Strathclyde Glasgow G1 1XQ Scotland