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New Democracies Barometer V - Winter/Spring 1998

Countries: Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Romania, and Ukraine, plus Serbia with Montenegro and Austria.
Q1. Have you or anyone in your household been unemployed at some time in
the last year?
1. Yes, self
2. Yes, other member of family
3. No one
IF YES, self or family member: Q2. How many weeks were you unemployed?
1. 1 to 3 weeks
2. 4 weeks
3. 5 to 6 weeks
4. 7 to 12 weeks
5. 13 to 26 weeks
6. 27 to 52 weeks
Q3 If your household was very short of money, is there a friend or relative
from whom it could borrow as much as a week's wages or a week's pension?
1. Definitely
2. Probably
3. Probably not
4. Definitely not
Q4. What is your current employment situation? EVT change in numbering of
1. Full-time employed
2. Part-time employed
3. Pensioner and employed
4. Self-employed
5. Pensioner, not employed
6. Unemployed, no state benefit
7. Unemployed, receiving state benefit
8.. No job, Other state income maintenance grant (eg. invalid, maternity)
9. Not employed (eg. housewife, houseman, student)
Q5. What type of employer do you have?
1. Government or public budget agency
2. State enterprise
3. State enterprise, now privatized
4. New private enterprise, never state enterprise
5. Collective farm
6. Independent, private farmer
Q6. Do you get enough money from your regular job to buy what you really
1. Definitely enough
2. Just enough
3. Not quite enough
4. Definitely not enough
Q7. Do you or anyone in your family have a second job to earn some money?
1. Yes, self
2. Other member of the family
3. No one does
Q8) Do you find that people you know ask your opinion about political affairs?
1. Often
2. Sometimes
3. Seldom
4. Never

Q9. Which activity on this card is the most important for the standard of
living of you and your family?
1. Growing own food
2. Repairing house
3. What we get as favours
4. What we get with help of friends, relatives
5. Buying goods with foreign money
6. Earnings of second job
7. Incidental earnings
8. Earnings of regular job
9. Pension, unemployment benefit
10. Benefits at place of work, such as holidays, meals
Q10. Which of these activities is second most important ?
1. Growing own food
2. Repairing houses
3. What we get as favours
4. What we get with help of friends, relatives
5. Buying goods with foreign money
6. Earnings second job
7. Incidental earnings
8. Earnings of regular job
9. Pension, unemployment benefit
10. Benefits at place of work, such as holidays, meals

Q11. In the past year, has your household:
1. Saved money
2. Just got by
3. Spent some savings
4. Borrowed money
5. Spent savings and borrowed money

Q. Sometimes people have to do without things that people usually have. In
the past year has your household had to do without any of the following:
12a. Food
1. Often
2. Sometimes
3. Rarely
4. Never
12b. Heating, electricity *No need to repeat question
1. Often
2. Sometimes
3. Rarely
4. Never
12c. Clothes you really need
1. Often
2. Sometimes
3. Rarely
4. Never

Q13. How long do you think it will be before you have reached a standard of
living with which you are content?
1. Already content
2. 1-2 years
3. 3-5 years
4. 6-10 years
5. More than 10 years
6. Never
7. Don't know

Q14. How long do you think it will take the government to sort out the
economic problems of this country?
1. Already resolved
2. 1-2 years
3. 3-5 years
4. 6-10 years
5. More than 10 years
6. Never
7. Don't know

Q. Here is a scale for ranking how the economy works: the top, plus 100,
is the best; the bottom, minus 100, the worst (SHOW CARD)
15. Where on this scale would you put the Socialist economy before the
revolution of 1989?
16. Where on this scale would you put our current economic system?
17. Where would you put our economic system in five years time?

Q18. As for your own household, how do you rate its economic situation
1. Very satisfactory
2. Fairly satisfactory
3. Not very satisfactory
4. Very unsatisfactory

Q19. When you compare the overall economic situation of your household with
nine years ago, before the big changes in the economy, would you say that
in the past it was:
1. Much better
2. A little better
3. About the same
4. A little worse
5. A lot worse

Q20. What do you think the economic situation of your household will be in
five years time?
1. Much better
2. A little better
3. About the same
4. A little worse
5. A lot worse

Here is a scale for ranking how our system of government works. The top,
plus 100, is the best; the bottom, minus 100, the worst. (SHOW CARD).
Q21. Where on this scale would you put the former Communist regime?
Q22. Where on this scale would you put our current system of governing with
free elections and many parties?
Q23. Where on this scale would you put our system of governing five years
in the future?

Q24. Our present system of government is not the only one that this country
had. Some people say that we would be better off if the country was
governed differently. What do you think? Please tell me for each point
whether you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree.
24a. We should return to Communist rule
1. Strongly agree
2. Somewhat agree
3. Somewhat disagree
4. Strongly disagree
24b. The army should govern the country
1. Strongly agree
2. Somewhat agree
3. Somewhat disagree
4. Strongly disagree
24c. Best to get rid of Parliament and elections and have a strong leader
who can quickly decide everything
1. Strongly agree
2. Somewhat agree
3. Somewhat disagree
4. Strongly disagree
24d. A return to a monarchy would be better
a. Strongly agree
b. Somewhat agree
c. Somewhat disagree
d. Strongly disagree

Q25. Please think of the difference between the old system of government
under the Communists and our present democratic system. I will read out a
series of statements on this card. Please tell me for each point whether
you think our present political system, by comparison with the Communists, is: Much better, somewhat better, equal, somewhat worse, much worse?
a. Everybody is free to say what he or she thinks
b. People can join any organisation they want
c. People can travel and live wherever they want
d. Ordinary people can influence what government does
e. People can live without fear of unlawful arrest
f. Each person can decide whether or not take an interest in politics
g. Everybody is treated equally and fairly be the government
h. Everybody is free to decide whether or not to practice a religion

Q26. By comparison with the former Communist regime, would you say that the
level of corruption and taking bribes has
1. increased a lot
2. Increased a little
3. has remained much the same
4. decreased a little
5. decreased a lot

Q27. There are many different institutions in this country, for example,
government, courts, police, civil servants. Please show me on this 7-point
scale, where 1 represents no trust and 7 great trust, how great is your
personal trust in each of these institutions:
a. Parties
b. Courts
c. Police
d. Civil Servants
e. Government
f. Military
g. Parliament
h. Churches
j. Trade unions
k. Television, Radio
l. Press, Printed Media, Newspapers
m. Private enterprise
n. President of this country
p. Prime Minister of this country
q Most people you meet

Q28. Do you think any of these poses a big threat, some threat, a little
threat or not threat to peace and security in this society ?
28a. Russia
1. Big threat
2. Some threat
3. Little threat
4. No threat at all
28b. Germany
1. Big threat
2. Some threat
3. Little threat
4. No threat at all
28c. USA
1. Big threat
2. Some threat
3. Little threat
4. No threat at all
28d. Neighbouring countries
1. Big threat
2. Some threat
3. Little threat
4. No threat at all
28e. Ethnic groups, minorities in our country
1. Big threat
2. Some threat
3. Little threat
4. No threat at all
28f. Immigrants, refugees from other societies
1. Big threat
2. Some threat
3. Little threat
4. No threat at all

Q29. Some people think this country would be better governed if parliament
were closed down and all parties were abolished. How likely do you think
this is to happen in the next few years?
1. Very likely
2. Maybe
3. Not very likely
4. Not at all likely

Q30. If Parliament was closed down and parties abolished, would you:
1. Definitely approve
2. Somewhat approve
3. Somewhat disapprove
4. Definitely disapprove

Q31. To which religious group do you belong?
1. Roman Catholic
2. Uniate Catholic
3. Protestant
4. Orthodox
5. Jewish
6. Muslim
7. Other
8. Not a believer
9. Refused
Q32. IF Respondent has a religion:
How often do you attend religious services?
1. At least every week
2. About one a month
3. A few times a year
4. Once a year
5. Less often
6. Never

Q33. Where you or any other person in your family formerly a member of the
Communist Party or one of the organisations closely associated with it?
a. Yes, self
b. Yes, other members of family
c. No

Q34a. With which of the following do you most closely identify yourself?
a. Europe
b. Country
c. Region
d. Local community, city where I live
e. Other
f. Don't know
Q34b. With which of the following do you identify yourself secondly?
a. Europe
b. Country
c. Region
d. Local community, city where I live
e. Other
f. Don't know

Q. On this card you will find a series of contrasting statements. For each, please choose one and say whether you definitely or somewhat agree with it.
35a. It will take years for government to deal with the problems inherited
from the Communists
Our new system of government ought to be able to deal with problems right
now, regardless of who caused them.
35b. Rising prices are the biggest threat to my family
Unemployment is the biggest threat for my family
35c. Incomes should be made more equal so there is no big difference in income
Individual achievement should determine how much people are paid; more
successful should be paid more
35d. Individuals should be responsible for their own welfare
The state should be responsible for everyone's economic security.
35e. State ownership is the best way to run an enterprise
An enterprise is best run by private entrepreneurs
35f. It is better to have lots of goods in the shops even if prices are much higher
It is better when prices are kept low by the state even though there are
often few goods in the shops
35g. Our country should develop like West European countries
Our country should develop in keeping with our national traditions and values

Q36a Which of these do you think is the best source of information about
the way this country is governed?
1. What I see and hear from people I know
2. Newspapers
3. Television
4. DK, none of these
Q36b. For forty years we had a different system of government and people
have different views about it. Which of these statements comes closest to
expressing what you think?
1. It was a good way of running things
2. Even though it had faults it was tolerable
3. It wasn't any good but there was nothing ordinary people could do about it
4. It was bad, and I was wanting it to go away someday

Q37. If our country were to join the European Union in the future, would
you feel
1. Strongly in favour
2. Somewhat in favour
3. Somewhat opposed
4. Strongly opposed
Q38. What do you think are the most likely consequences, if our country should enter the European Union. Please tell to each point, whether EU-Membership of COUNTRY NAME will have: positive effects, negative effects or will bring no changes at all or you don't know
a. Political stability
b. consumer prices
c. economic development
d. my personal income
e. EVT reducing unemployment

Q39. What do you think about Austria's position regarding the EU-membership
of our country?
1. Austria will support our efforts to become a member of the European Union
2. Austria will hinder our efforts to become a member of the European Union
3. Austria will play no role at all in this matter
4. DK

Q40. In the European Union all citizens of a member country have the right
to work in the other member countries. If our country should become a
member of the EU, will you or another member of your family:
Yes, definitely / Maybe / Probably not / No / Don't know
a. Go abroad to work for some weeks or months.
b. Work abroad for some years
c. Emigrate and live permanently in another country
IF respondent or family member plans to work abroad or emigrate; Go to
Q42. And in which country?
1 Germany
2 France
3 Great Britain
4 Austria
5. Scandinavia (that is, Sweden, Denmark, Finland)
6. Other EU countries
7. USA, Australia, New Zealand
8. Other countries
Q43 As you might know, 15 states of Western Europe together form the
European Union. Would you say that your impression of the aims and
activities of the European Union are generally:
1. Very positive
2. Fairly positive
3. Fairly negative
4. Very negative
5. Don't know
Q44. Are you proud to be a citizen of this country?
1. Very proud
2. Somewhat proud
3. Not very proud
4. Not at all proud
5. DK
Q45. Now I would like to ask you a few questions about minorities in your
country. Here are two statements about who should be a citizen. Please tell
me for each point, whether you: strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither
agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree with it.
a. Only indigenous people should be the citizens of this country
b. Everyone who lives and is born here should be allowed to be a citizen of
this country, whatever their nationality.

Q46. Some say that it is better for this country if members of the national
minorities maintain their distinct language, customs and traditions. Other
say that it is better if members of national minorities adapt and blend
into larger society. Which of these views comes closest to your own?
It is better for society if members of the national minorities maintain
their distinct language, customs and traditions
It is better if members of national minorities adapt and blend into larger

Q47. There are different opinions about the increase in the numbers of
migrants, that is foreigners coming to live and work here. Tell me for each
of the following statements whether you strongly agree, somewhat agree,
neither agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree with it
a. Migrants are generally good for the country's economy
b. Migrants increase crime rate
c. Migrants make this country more open to new ideas and cultures
d. Migrants take jobs away from people who were born in this country

Q48. Do you think that the number of migrants (ie foreigners who come here
to live and work) should be:
1. Increased a lot
2. Increased a little
3. Stay the same
4. Reduced a little
5. Reduced a lot
6. DK

Q49. How about foreigners who are already living and working here? What
should the government do? The government should: strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree with it
a) Take steps to help them learn our language and customs
b) Make sure they enjoy social security and other rights so long as they
obey the law
c) Pass laws limiting the amount of time they can live here and then send
them home
d) Force them to go home
Q50. How long, if ever, have you lived in other countries yourself? Please
tell me for each of the following groups of countries, whether you have
never lived there, lived there a few months or lived there many months or
a) EU countries
b) FSU countries
c) Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary
d) USA, Australia, Canada
e) Other countries
f) Slovenia and Croatia only: Other Yugoslav Republic

Q51. On this list there are various types of people. Could you tell me for
each of these whether you: would like to have them as a neighbour, would not
mind to have as a neighbour or would not like as a neighbour?
a) Russians
b) Germans
c) Jews
d) Gypsies
e) Austrians
f) Chinese
Q52. And which type of people would you: like as a workmate, would not mind
as a workmate or would not like as a workmate?
a) Russians
b) Germans
c) Jews
d) Gypsies
e) Austrians
f) Chinese

Q53. And which type would you: like a member of your family marrying, would
not mind marrying or would not like marrying?
a) Russians
b) Germans
c) Jews
d) Gypsies
e) Austrians
f) Chinese

Q54. Assuming that the blood of the persons were certified as healthy.
Which type of people would you: like a blood transfusion from, would not
mind a blood transfusion from or would not like a blood transfusion from?
a) Russians
b) Germans
c) Jews
d) Gypsies
e) Austrians
f) Chinese

Q55. Tell me for each of the following countries how close you feel that
this country id to in terms of lifestyle, customs and culture? Is it: very
close, fairly close, somewhat close, somewhat different or very different?
a) Germany
b) Austria
c) Russia
d) Slovakia
e) Poland

Q56. On this card you will find some statements. Tell me for each
statement, whether you: strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor
disagree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree
a) I would rather be a citizen of this country than any other
b) Generally this country is as good or better than most other countries
c) There are a lot of things I don't like about this country
d) My life would have been better if I had been born in some other country.
Q57. How should the army of this country be organized in the future? Should
compulsory military service for all men remain or should it be abolished and be replaced by an army of volunteers/professional soldiers?
1. Compulsory military service should remain in any case
2. Compulsory military service should rather remain
3. I do not mind
4. A new professional/volunteer army should rather be introduced
5. Professional/volunteer army should be introduced in any case
6. DK

Q58. Do you believe that the end of compulsory military service and the
introduction of a professional army in this country will result in social
and political tensions and conflicts between the military and society and
state (Eg isolation of the armed forces, too little political control of
the military)?
1. Certainly social and political conflicts
2. Probable conflicts
3. Probably no conflicts
4. Certainly no conflicts
5. DK

Q59. Should the armed forces be used to fight non-military dangers and
challenges, such as natural disasters, floods and environmental crisis in
this country?
1. Yes, definitely
2. Yes, may be
3. Probably not
4. Definitely not
5. DK

Q60. Should the army be active inside this country in the fight against
crime (organised crime, drug trafficking, migrant trafficking, etc) and to
control the borders against migrants?
1. Yes, definitely
2. Yes, may be
3. Should be left to police
4. Probably not
5. Definitely not
6. DK

Q61. Should the army be active in humanitarian or military actions outside
this country, which have the aim of political and military stabilization of
crisis regions?
1. Yes, definitely
2. Yes, may be
3. Probably not
4. Definitely not
5. DK
(Respondent age up to 35) Q63. What do you think about becoming yourself a professional soldier at least for a few years in a new professional/volunteer army in this country?
1. Yes, definitely
2. Yes, may be
3. Probably not
4. Definitely not
5. DK

(Respondent age 36 plus) Q64. What do you think about young people becoming professional soldiers at least for a few years in a new professional/volunteer army in this country?
1. Yes, definitely
2. Yes, may be
3. Probably not
4. Definitely not
5. DK

Q65. (Ask in: Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic) Do you think that a NATO membership of
this country is:
1. Very good thing
2. Somewhat good
3. Somewhat bad
4. Very bad thing
5. DK
Q66. (All other countries not yet joining NATO): Do you think that a NATO membership of this country would be:
1. Very beneficial
2. Somewhat beneficial
3. Not so beneficial
4. Not beneficial at all.

Q67 In this envelope is a ballot with the names of political parties.
Please put a cross on the pink ballot by the name of the party that you
would vote for if an election was held next Sunday .

Q68. And please put a cross by the names of any party that you would never
vote for on the blue ballot.
[Names of parties on multi-national files by country]

HEALTH QUESTIONS: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland only.
H 1. Over the past 12 months, would you say your physical health has been:
Very good
Very poor

H 2. Over the past 12 months, would you describe your emotional and mental
health as:
Very good
Very poor
H 3. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements.
Please choose the one answer for each:
Strongly Disagree / Somewhat disagree / Disagree a little
Agree a little / Agree somewhat / Agree strongly
a. At home, I feel I have control over what happens in most situations.
b. Keeping healthy depends on things that I can do myself
c. There are certain things I can do for myself to reduce the risk of a
heart attack.
d. There are certain things I can do for myself to reduce the risk of
getting cancer.
e. I feel that what happens in my life is often determined by things beyond
my control.
f. Over the next 5 to 10 years I expect to have a lot more good experiences
than bad.
g. I often have the feeling that I am treated unfairly.
h. In the past ten years my life has been full of changes that have been
very unexpected.
j. I gave up trying to make big improvements and changes in my life a long
time ago.
(IF employed): k. At work, I feel I have control over what happens in most

H4. Some people feel they have completely free choice and control over
their lives, while other people feel that what they do has no real effect
on what happens to them. Please use this scale, where 1 means "none at all"
and 10 means "a great deal" to indicate how much freedom of choice and
control you have over the way your life turns out:

H5. Do you feel safe when you get out on the streets?
1. Definitely
2. Somewhat
3. Not much
4. Definitely not
5, DTA

C1. If you went to DO SOMETHING IN THE FOLLOWING PLACES, would you expect fair treatment from:
Definitely/ Probably/ Not likely/ Definitely not
a. Post office
b. Bank
c. Local grocery shop
d. Doctor's office
e. Police
f. School principal

C2. People often have problems in getting an organization to do what they want.
What should a parent do if their child's exam marks aren't good enough to be admitted to a university?
1. Offer a "tip" (that is, side payment or bribe) to university official.
2. Use connections
3. Write a letter excusing poor marks.
4. Pay a tutor and have child take exams again to get better marks.
5. Nothing can be done.

C3. What should a person who needs a governmental permit do if an official
says: just be patient, wait.
1. Offer a "tip" to the official to get a prompt reply.
2. Use connections
3. Write a letter to the head office
4. Do what you want without a permit.
5. Nothing can be done.

C4. What should a person with a painful disease do, if a hospital says it
is necessary to wait for months?
1. Offer to tip to a doctor for prompt treatment.
2. Use connections
3. Write a letter to the hospital begging it to speed things up
4. Pay a doctor for prompt private treatment
5. Nothing can be done.
C5. What should a family do to get a government-subsidized flat, even if
not entitled it according to the regulations?
1. Offer a "tip" to the official allocating apartments.
2. Use connections
3. Write a letter saying special circumstances justify a flat
4. Save money to buy a private flat or house
5. Nothing can be done.
S 1. Gender
Male/ Female/
S 2. Age in years
S 3. Marital status:
Single/ Married / Separated, divorced/ Widow-Widower
S 4. How old were you (or will you be) when you finish fulltime education?
---- (In years)
S 5. What is the highest educational qualification you have obtained (or
expect to) obtain?
Elementary, secondary without any qualification
Vocational qualification for manual trade
Non-manual vocational qualification (e.g. secretary, civil service clerk);
Academic secondary education to university entrance
University study or equivalent
S 6. Compared to your parents, have you had:
More education
About the same amount
Not as much
S 7. Adults living in household who are: N adults
a) Adults in work or looking for work ---
b) Adults with pension ----
c) Other adults (housewife, student age 18+) -----

S 8. And how many children under 18 live in your household? -----
Total in household
S 9. What is your own average monthly income? -----
(EITHER record actual sum OR show card with income categories)
(If no income, code 0 = No personal income)
S 10. And for your household, altogether what is the total monthly income?
(EITHER record actual sum OR show card with income categories)
S 11. Does your household have any of the following? Yes/No
a. Colour TV
b. Black and white TV
c. Cable TV
d. Satellite dish
e. Video recorder
f. Video camera
g. Radio
h. Radio recorder
i. Cassette player
j. Record player
k. CD player
l. Telephone
m. Motorcycle
n. Moped
o. Car
p. Car radio
q. Computer
r. Stereo recorder
s. Washing machine
t. Refrigerator
u. Deep freezer
v. Microwave oven
w. Dishwashing machine
x Electric hand drill
y. Holiday cottage
z. Garden
za. Dog/cat
S 12a. Do you have as much as a month's wages in savings?
Yes, in national currency
Yes, in foreign currency
S 12b. IF Yes: Have savings: In the past year, have your savings
Stayed the same

S 13. Some people are interested in books, others are not. How about
yourself. Do you:
Never both reading books
Occasionally read a book
Often read books

Interviewer to code
S 14. Date of interview
Institute to code
S 15. Size of town
Rural, village up to 5,000
5,001 to 20,000
1 million or more
National capital (If not the only city in one of previous categories)
S 16. Region

CSPP School of Government & Public Policy U. of Strathclyde Glasgow G1 1XQ Scotland