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New Russia Barometer XIII Questionnaire

Q1. Do you think that events in our country are today moving generally in the right direction or that our country is on the wrong track?
Right direction
Wrong track

Q2. How do you assess the situation with payments of salaries, pensions, and benefits in your town or region; is it getting better, worse or don't you notice any changes?
Getting better
Getting worse
Don't notice changes

Q3. Name the five or six politicians whom you trust the most.
Q4. Which politicians' speeches have you attracted your attention most in recent days? [Don't read out list; several answers possible; in Russian alphabetical order]
Boris Berezovsky
Aleksandr Voloshin
Yegor Gaidar
Sergei Glazyev
Mikhail Gorbachev
Boris Gryzlov
Boris Yeltsin
Vladimir Zhirinovsky
Gennady Zyuganov
Igor Ivanov (MFA)
Sergei Ivanov (MoD)
Mikhail Kasyanov
Sergei Kirienko
Mikhail Lapshin
Yury Luzhkov
Aleksandr Lukashenka
Valentina Matvienko
Sergei Mironov
Boris Nemtsov
Ella Pamfilova
Evgeny Primakov
Vladimir Putin
Dmitry Rogozin
Vladimir Ryzhkov
Gennady Seleznev
Lyubov' Spiska
Sergei Stepashin
Aman Tuleev
Irina Khakamada
Anatoly Chubais
Sergei Shoigu
Grigory Yavlinsky
No one
Not interested in politics
Don't know

Q5. Do you happen to know the name of the Duma member elected for this single-member district?
No one elected in our district; repeat ballot will be held
Don't know
No candidate elected, repeat ballot will be held

Q6. Do you happen to know the name of the prime minister of Russia?
Don't know

Q7. Do you approve of the performance of :
a) Vladimir Putin as President of Russia

b) Mikhail Fradkov as Prime Minister

c) The Government of Russia as a whole

d) Sergei Ivanov as Defence Minister

e) Sergei Stepashin as Chair of the Accounting Chamber

f) The President's Representative in your Federal District

g) The Governor of your oblast

Q8. People differ in what is meant by talking about "a normal society".
How important do you think each of the following is in creating a normal society?
Essential/ Important/ Not very important/ Not at all important

a. People can go about their everyday lives without government interfering
b. Everybody who wants to work can find a job.
c. Government officials treat ordinary people fairly.
d. If things go wrong, public welfare services will help.
e. If you save money, it does not lose its value because of inflation.
f. It is safe to go about the streets without being afraid of crime.
g. There are opportunities for you or your children to improve your living conditions.

Q9. Do you think Russian life today is that of a normal society?
Definitely Go to question 12.
Fairly normal: Go to question 10
Only a little "
Not at all normal "

Q10. IF not already normal: How long do you think it will be before Russia becomes a normal society?
1-2 years
3-5 years
6-10 years
Difficult to know if it ever will be normal

Q11. What do you think is the biggest obstacles to Russia becoming a normal society? (READ OUT CARD) And second biggest?
1st 2nd biggest obstacle
.National traditions against it
.Ordinary people's everyday way of life
.Legacy from Soviet times
.Transition to a market economy
.Laws not enforced, corruption in government
.Democratic system of government
.Low wages, unemployment
.Majority of people unwilling to change

Q12. The word democracy has many different meanings. How important do you think each of the following conditions is for a country do be democratic? For each item, please indicate whether you think for democracy it is:

a. There is a choice of candidates and parties at each election
Important but not essential
Not so important
Not at all important

b. Government guarantees an income for all its citizens
Important but not essential
Not so important
Not at all important

c. Equality of all citizens before the law
Important but not essential
Not so important
Not at all important

d. Elected officials try to do what people want
Important but not essential
Not so important
Not at all important

f. Ordinary people can influence what government does
Important but not essential
Not so important
Not at all important

g. The country is economically prosperous
Important but not essential
Not so important
Not at all important

e. Government officials obey the law
Important but not essential
Not so important
Not at all important

13. What broad political outlook are you most inclined to favour?:
Support a market economy
Great power patriot
Environmentalist, Green

14. Here is a scale ranging from a low of 1 to a high 10: 1 means complete dictatorship and 10 means complete democracy.
a. Where would you like our country to be?
1 Complete dictatorship
10 Complete democracy

b. Where would you place our country at the present time?
1 Complete dictatorship
10 Complete democracy

c. Where would you expect our country to be in five years time?
1 Complete dictatorship
10 Complete democracy

15. Which of the following statements do you agree with most? (choose one)
Democracy is preferable to any other kind
of government
In certain situations, an authoritarian government
can be preferable to a democratic one
It doesn't matter to people like me whether we have a democratic
or a non-democratic government

16. There are different opinions about what should be the nature of the state. To what extent do you think:
a. It would be better to restore the Communist system
Completely agree
Generally agree
Somewhat disagree
Generally disagree

b. It would be better if parliament and elections were suspended
Completely agree
Generally agree
Somewhat disagree
Generally disagree

c. The army should govern the country
Completely agree
Generally agree
Somewhat disagree
Generally disagree

d. A tough dictatorship is the only way out of the current situation
Completely agree
Generally agree
Somewhat disagree
Generally disagree

17. How likely do you think each of these is to happen in the next few years?
a. The Communist system would be restored
Very likely
Not very likely
Not at all likely

b. Parliament and elections were suspended
Very likely
Not very likely
Not at all likely

c. The army took over the government of the country
Very likely
Not very likely
Not at all likely

d. A tough dictatorship was established
Very likely
Not very likely
Not at all likely

18. Do you ever think of yourself as a European?

19. Some say that Russia's future lies with the countries of Western Europe.
Others think it lies with countries in the Commonwealth of Independent States
(CIS). Which is closer to your view? (one answer only)
Definitely CIS
More likely CIS
Probably Western Europe
Definitely Western Europe

20. Here is a scale for evaluating the political system. The top, plus 100, is the best,
and the bottom, minus 100, Is the worst. Where on this scale would you put:
a. the political system we had before perestroika
b. our current Political System
c. the political system we will have in five years.

21. Compared to our system of government before perestroika, would you say our current system is better, much the same, or not so good as the old system?
Much Better/ Somewhat better/Much the same/Somewhat Worse/ Much worse/Difficult to answer
a. Everybody has a right to say what they think
b. One can join any organisation one likes
c. One can travel or live anywhere one wants
d. People like me can have an influence on government
e. One need not be afraid of illegal arrest
f. Everyone can decide individually whether or not to take an interest in politics
g. Everybody has freedom of choice in religious matters
h. Government treats everybody equally and fairly

22. To what extent do you trust each of the following institutions to look after your interests? Please indicate on a scale with 1 for no trust at all and 7 great trust.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

a. Courts
b. Political parties
c. FSB
d. Businessmen
e. Army
f. Duma members
g. Television
h. Newspapers

23. How have the big changes in society since Soviet times affected you?
I have adapted to the changes
Still trying to adapt
I live as before, don't notice changes
I am unable to adjust

24. And do you think that these changes, which have imposed so many hardships, will bring positive results to the majority of people of this country sooner OR later?
Yes, in the next five years
Yes, in the next ten years
Eventually yes
Don't know

25. To what extent do you think public officials enforce the law equally for everyone or selectively, depending on who they are dealing with?
Definitely equal
Tend to be equal
Tend to be selective
Definitely selective

26. How likely do you think it is that the courts will punish public officials who take bribes?
Very likely
Probably not
Definitely not

27. Do you think the President of Russia should have the right to suspend the Parliament and introduce presidential rule by decree if he considers that necessary.
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree

28. Do you think the Duma should have the right to stop the President taking decisions that it considers wrong.
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree

29. Which of these statements are you more inclined to agree with? State ownership is the best way to run an enterprise OR an enterprise is best run by private entrepreneurs?
Definitely agree first alternative
Somewhat agree first alternative
Somewhat agree second alternative
Definitely agree second alternative

30. Which of these statements are you more inclined to agree with? It is better when there are plenty of goods in the shops even if they are expensive
OR It is better when the prices are kept low by the state even if there are few goods in the shops
Definitely agree first alternative
Somewhat agree first alternative
Somewhat agree second alternative
Definitely agree second alternative

31. Here Is a scale ranking how well an economy works. The top, plus 100, is the
best and the bottom, minus 100, is the worst. Where on this scale would you put:
a. The economic system before perestroika ?
b. Our current economic system
c. Our economic system in five years.

32. Do you and other family members earn enough from your main job to buy all you really need?
Definitely enough
Just enough
Not enough
Definitely not enough

33. In the past year, has your household:
       Saved money
       Just got by
       Spent some savings
       Borrowed money
       Spent savings and borrowed money

34. In the past twelve months did your family often, sometimes, rarely or never have to do without:
a) Food
b) Heating, electricity
c) Clothes, shoes that are really necessary

35. Do you have any of the following in your household:
Colour television
Video cassette recorder
Car bought second hand
A car bought new

36a. Have you heard of the Internet? If yes, do you sometimes use the Internet, even if only from time to time?
Yes, I use the internet Go to 36b
Heard of it, but don't use it
Never heard of Internet

36b: Where do you use the Internet (more than one answer permitted)
Internet café

37. All in all, how do you rate the economic situation of your family today?
Very satisfactory
Fairly satisfactory
Not very satisfactory
Very unsatisfactory

38. How would you compare your family's economic situation with what it was before perestroika, that is before 1985?
Much better now
Somewhat better
Somewhat worse now
Much worse

39. What do you think the economic situation of your family will be in five years compared to now?
Much better in future
Somewhat better
Somewhat worse
Much worse

40. There are people in a high position in this society and others who have a low status. What position do you have now?
1=Highest status
10 =Lowest status

41. With which of the following opinions about the reforms begun by the Gaidar government in 1992 would you most agree?
Definitely had a positive effect on Russian economy
Painful but necessary
Not necessary
Had a destructive effect on the Russian economy

42. Why do you think there are difficulties in carrying out democratic and market reforms in Russia? [show card, several answers possible]
Reforms are on the wrong track
No coherent programme of reform
Slow pace or wrong sequencing of reforms
Reforms too fast, causing sudden changes in people's lives
Incompatibility of market relations with the Russian way of life
Lack of competent qualified specialists in the government
Corruption of the ruling elite
Resistance and sabotage by officials
Inability of population to adapt to the market and democracy, their lack of initiative and the desire to work

43. Did you take part in the elections to Duma last December?
1 Yes
2 No [Go to question 45)

44. Which party or electoral bloc did you vote for in list ballot for the State Duma; or did you vote against all? [Show card; parties as listed on the ballot; one answer]
Conceptual Party Unity
Union of Right Forces
Russian Party of Pensioners-Party of Social Fairness
For Holy Russia (ZSR)
United Russian Party "Rus'"
New Course: Automobile Russia
People's Republican Party of Russia
Agrarian Party of Russia
Real Patriots of Russia
People's Party of the Russian Federation
Democratic Party of Russia
Great Russia-Eurasian Union
Union of People for Education and Science
Motherland (People's Patriotic Union)
Peace and Unity
Liberal-Democratic Party of Russia
Party of the Rebirth of Russia-Russian Party of Life
United Russia
Russian Constitutional-Democratic Party
Development of Enterprise
Communist Party of the Russian Federation
Against all/spoiled or threw away ballot
Don't know

45. Did you take part in the presidential election earlier this month?
Yes (Go to question 47)
No [Go to question 46)

46. (IF did not vote in presidential election) Can you please say why you didn't vote (several answers acceptable)
1 Tired of politics, struggles at the top
2 Never vote
3 My vote makes no difference to the result
4 Elections make no difference to our lives
5 My candidate wasn't on the ballot
6 My candidate had no chance of winning
7 Hadn't chosen anyone to vote for
8 Don't trust any of today's politicians
9 Putin was bound to win anyway, so why bother
10 These elections were effectively without choice, undemocratic
11 Wanted to protest against how they 'made' Putin president
12 Elections aren't clean; results are falsified
13 Don't know much about/not interested in politics
14 Was busy with other matters
15 Polling station is far from where I was on election day
16 Other
17 Don't know

47. Did you vote in person at the polling station; did a family member vote for you; did they bring the ballot box to your house; or did you vote by absentee ballot?
Voted in person
Family member voted for me
They brought ballot box to my house
Voted by absentee ballot

48. For which candidate did you vote, or did you vote against all or spoil your ballot?
Sergei Glazyev
Oleg Malyshkin
Sergei Mironov
Vladimir Putin
Irina Khakamada
Nikolai Kharitonov
Against all Go to 51.
Threw away/spoiled ballot "
Refused "

49. What motivated your decision to vote for this candidate? Anything else? (Don't read out; several replies possible)
Influenced by his appearances on TV and radio, in the press
Looked at his programme, and understood what his presidency would bring
Influenced by his concrete actions or speeches on the eve of the election
Best choice for Russia in the current circumstances
Convinced by commentaries of specialists, by opinion polls
Convinced by artists, musicians, cultural figures supporting that candidate
Liked that candidate's election campaign materials
Convinced by those campaigning for that candidate
People close to me, whose opinions I trust, voted for that candidate
Candidate I originally wanted to vote for had no chance of winning
Disappointed by the candidate I originally intended to vote for
Don't know

50. [For those candidates who voted for Putin]. Why did you vote for Putin? Was it because:
He led the country well over the past four years
I hope he'll be able to deal with problems facing the country over the next four years
There's no one else on whom one can place one's hopes
Other/Don't know (Don't read)

51. When did you decide that you will vote for this candidate/spoil or throw away your ballot/vote against all?
In 2003, before the Duma election
In 2003, after the Duma election
In January/first half of February
At the end of February/in the first week of March
In the last week before the election
On the day of the election
Only in the polling station
[Don't read] Don't know

52. Many people remain undecided until the last moment about whether to vote or not. Did you hesitate about voting in the last week before the election?

53. Did you hesitate about your choice of candidate/vote against all/your decision not to vote in the last week before the election? Can you name another candidate for whom you might have voted, or might you have voted against all?
Sergei Glazyev
Oleg Malyshkin
Sergei Mironov
Vladimir Putin
Irina Khakamada
Nikolai Kharitonov
Could have voted against all/thrown away or spoiled ballot
[for those who voted] There's no one else I could have voted for
[for those who didn't vote] There's no way I would have voted
Don't know

Q54. Who (or what) was the deciding influence on your vote (or on your decision NOT to participate in the election). Give up to 3 answers. [Show card]
Friends or acquaintances
Advice from authoritative people
TV, newspapers, radio
Published ratings of candidate
Speeches by candidates
TV debates of candidates
Pre-electoral campaigning by candidates
Didn't like any other candidates
Always vote for this candidate
Didn't want my vote to be counted for Putin

Q55. Do you think pre-electoral TV debates by candidates are an 'electoral stunt' or a necessary part of democratic elections?
Electoral stunt
Necessary part of democratic elections

56. Do you think Putin acted correctly in refusing to take part in TV debates and face-to-face discussions of electoral programmes with other candidates?

57. Do you think national television and radio gave all candidates equal possibilities to express their position before the elections, or did they give unjustifiably more possibilities to particular candidates? Which in particular?
Sergei Glazyev
Oleg Malyshkin
Sergei Mironov
Vladimir Putin
Irina Khakamada
Nikolai Kharitonov
Equal possibilities given to all
Don't know

58. What about the effect of national television programmes (news, analyses, speeches by politicians, political advertising) on you personally? Did it make you more inclined to vote for Putin or against Putin?
For Putin
Against Putin

59. How do you feel about the result of the presidential election on 14 March? Overjoyed, satisfied, concerned, fearful, or no particular feelings?
No particular feelings

60a. Do you think the presidential election campaign was completely honest, somewhat honest, not very honest or completely dishonest.
Completely honest
Somewhat honest
Not very honest
Completely dishonest

60b. Do you think you had the opportunity to express your position in the election campaign freely, or were you pressured in this respect?
Had the opportunity to express my position freely
Was under pressure

Q61. Are you satisfied on the whole with the results of the voting on 14 March this year: fully satisfied, somewhat satisfied, not very satisfied, or not at all satisfied?
Fully satisfied
More satisfied than dissatisfied
More dissatisfied than satisfied
Not at all satisfied
Don't know

Q62. Knowing the results of the election, how would you now vote? Would you go to vote, and if so, for which candidate would you vote, or would you vote 'against all?' [Show card; one answer].
Sergei Glazyev
Oleg Malyshkin
Sergei Mironov
Vladimir Putin
Irina Khakamada
Nikolai Kharitonov
Against all
Would not have voted
Don't know

Q63. Do you think having elections regularly makes government do what ordinary people want?
To a large extent
Not much
Not at all

Q64. Given the outcome of the presidential election, would you agree or disagree with the view that it would have been better to save money by not holding the election?
Definitely agree
Probably agree
Probably disagree
Definitely disagree
Don't know

Q65. Which of the parties and fractions in the Duma participate actively in the political life of your region? (Can name more than one)
United Russia
Union of Right Forces
None of the above

Q66. What assessment would you give to Vladimir Putin as President, if '1' is very bad and '10' is the best mark?
1 Very bad
10 The best

Q67. What words would you use to describe your attitude to Vladimir Putin?
Delighted with him
Like him
Can't think of anything bad about him
Neutral, indifferent towards him
Cautious, wary of him
Can't think of anything good about him
Dislike him

Q68. How much do you trust Vladimir Putin?
Fully trust
Somewhat trust
Somewhat distrust
Fully distrust

Q69. What do you like about Vladimir Putin? (Show card, no more than three replies)
Experienced politician
Energetic, decisive, strong-willed
Far sighted
Real leader, capable of taking people with him
Provides stability of our country
Can bring order to the country
Respected by people around me
Capable of compromise, of uniting diverse political forces
Policy is independent of Yeltsin's circle
Support his Chechen policy
Honest, decent, not self-seeking
Principled man
Knows life, understands ordinary people's needs
Good looking
Nothing/Don't know

Q70. What don't you like about Vladimir Putin?

1 No bright political qualities
2 Weak, indecisive
3 Too harsh
4 Not a far sighted politician
5 Incapable of taking charge of people
6 Unable to lead the country
7 Not respected by people around me
8 No clear political line
9 Incapable of compromise
10 Linked to Yeltsin's circle
11 Actions in Chechnya designed to raise his own popularity
12 Linked to corrupt politicians
13 Unprincipled person
14 Interests of the people are alien to him
15 Ugly, bad-looking
16 Other
17 Like everything/ Don't know

Q71. These days one sometimes hears people saying that we still don't know what kind of man Putin is or what his policies are. Which of these statements would you agree with?
We really don't know much about Putin
In the time Putin has been President, we have learned quite a lot about him
It is crystal clear who Putin is as a man, and as a politician

Q72. Do you think Putin has done anything significant during his time as President of Russia?
Definitely yes
Probably yes
Probably no
Definitely no

Q73. After the election of Vladimir Putin, how do you think the situation of the country has changed by comparison with the Yeltsin period in the following areas
a. Equality of all citizens, including oligarchs and officials, before the law
Much better now
Somewhat better now
The same
Somewhat worse now
Much worse now

b. Bringing order to society
Much better now
Somewhat better now
The same
Somewhat worse now
Much worse now

c. Social protection of the poor
Much better now
Somewhat better now
The same
Somewhat worse now
Much worse now

d. Lowering crime levels
Much better now
Somewhat better now
The same
Somewhat worse now
Much worse now

e. Controlling rising prices
Much better now
Somewhat better now
The same
Somewhat worse now
Much worse now

f. Military reform
Much better now
Somewhat better now
The same
Somewhat worse now
Much worse now

g. Economic growth in the country
Much better now
Somewhat better now
The same
Somewhat worse now
Much worse now

h. Successes in the fight against terrorism
Much better now
Somewhat better now
The same
Somewhat worse now
Much worse now

Q74. On what path do you think events in Russia are developing after the election of Vladimir Putin for a second term as President?
Development of democracy
Approach of dictatorship
Continuation of the previous (Yeltsin) system
Return to the pre-perestroika system
Loss of order, rise of anarchy

Q75. Which tasks do you think Vladimir Putin will concentrate on now that he has been re-elected for a second term? Any others? (Show cards A and B alternately; several answers possible)
Providing the population with a peaceful life, without shocks
Raising the level of prosperity and incomes for the population
Lowering consumer prices
Providing state control of prices
Keeping and increasing the abundance of goods in shops
Strengthening the rouble
Improving tax collection
Reducing the tax burden on the population and companies
Eliminating arrears of salaries, pensions and stipends
Indexation of salaries, pensions and deposit rates according to inflation
Continuing economic reform, strengthening the position of private capital
Returning to state regulation of the economy
Continuing privatization, transferring land into private hands
Revisiting the results of privatization of large enterprises
Growth in industrial production
Financial support for state enterprises and agriculture
Reducing the influence of oligarchs on the life of the country
Fighting corruption and the pilfering of state property
Supporting social peace and harmony in the country
Strengthening democratic freedoms (speech, movement etc.)
Strengthening order and the law, fighting crime
Strengthening the role of the security services, censorship of mass media
Complete army reform and move away from compulsory conscription
Bring order to the police force, liquidate "werewolves in uniform"
Strengthening Russia's international position
Strengthening the military-industrial complex, defence capabilities
Ending the Chechen war, solving the Chechen problem
None of the above
Don't know

Q76. Which of these tasks do you think Vladimir Putin will manage to complete successfully? Any others? (Show cards A and B alternately; several answers possible)
Providing the population with a peaceful life, without shocks
Raising the level of prosperity and incomes for the population
Lowering consumer prices
Providing state control of prices
Keeping and increasing the abundance of goods in shops
Strengthening the rouble
Improving tax collection
Reducing the tax burden on the population and companies
Eliminating arrears of salaries, pensions and stipends
Indexation of salaries, pensions and deposit rates according to inflation
Continuing economic reform, strengthening the position of private capital
Returning to state regulation of the economy
Continuing privatization, transferring land into private hands
Revisiting the results of privatization of large enterprises
Growth in industrial production
Financial support for state enterprises and agriculture
Reducing the influence of oligarchs on the life of the country
Fighting corruption and the pilfering of state property
Supporting social peace and harmony in the country
Strengthening democratic freedoms (speech, movement etc.)
Strengthening order and the law, fighting crime
Strengthening the role of the security services, censorship of mass media
Complete army reform and move away from compulsory conscription
Bring order to the police force, liquidate "werewolves in uniform"
Strengthening Russia's international position
Strengthening the military-industrial complex, defence capabilities
Ending the Chechen war, solving the Chechen problem
None of the above
Don't know

Q77. What do you think will happen in Russia after the election of Vladimir Putin for a second term?
a. The continuation of economic and political reforms begun in 1992 OR rolling back of reforms and revisiting their results? [show card, one answer]
Definitely the first
Probably the first
Probably the second
Definitely the second
b. Open public policy and wide consultation about the actions of the government OR Decisions being taken in a narrow circle and intrigues behind the scenes
Definitely the first
Probably the first
Probably the second
Definitely the second
c. Respect for human rights and private life OR Subjugating the individual to the interests of the state, state interference in private life
Definitely the first
Probably the first
Probably the second
Definitely the second
d. A peaceful situation in the society OR An atmosphere of fear, tension and suspicion
Definitely the first
Probably the first
Probably the second
Definitely the second
e. Strengthening cooperation between diverse political forces OR Intensification of political struggle between diverse political forces
Definitely the first
Probably the first
Probably the second
Definitely the second
f. Development of mutually beneficial ties with countries of the West OR the rolling back of ties with the West
Definitely the first
Probably the first
Probably the second
Definitely the second

Q78. How do you think the situation of the country will change after Putin's election for a second term in terms of:
a. Russia's economic situation
Significant improvement
Some improvement
Practically no change
Some deterioration
Significant deterioration
b. Living standards of Russia's population
Significant improvement
Some improvement
Practically no change
Some deterioration
Significant deterioration
c. Situation in the area of science, culture and education
Significant improvement
Some improvement
Practically no change
Some deterioration
Significant deterioration
d. Freedoms of speech, the press, and travel abroad
Significant improvement
Some improvement
Practically no change
Some deterioration
Significant deterioration
e. Russia's position in the international arena
Significant improvement
Some improvement
Practically no change
Some deterioration
Significant deterioration
f. The level of defence capability of the country
Significant improvement
Some improvement
Practically no change
Some deterioration
Significant deterioration
g. The situation in Chechnya
Significant improvement
Some improvement
Practically no change
Some deterioration
Significant deterioration
Q79. Do you think the level of stealing and corruption in the country will increase, stay the same, or decrease after Putin's election for a second term?
Stay the same
Q80 Would you want Putin to still remain as President in four years time?
Yes, I would want Putin to remain as President in four years time
No, I would prefer Putin to replaced by someone else in four years time
Don't know

Q81. What broad political outlook do you most associate with Vladimir Putin?
Support a market economy
Great power patriot
Environmentalist, Green

Q82 Do you think that in four years time Putin will be ready to hand over power to a newly elected President in accordance with the constitution?
Yes, Putin will be ready to hand over power
No, Putin will try to keep presidential power for himself
Don't know

Q83 In what circumstances do you think the 2008 Russian presidential election will be held?
A new person will become President, having defeated his opponents in a fair election
Putin will name his 'successor' and all the people will be expected to do is support him
Putin will stay on as President of Russia for a third term
The people behind Putin will be choose a successor for him and power after the election will go to that person
The elections will be cancelled
Don't know

Q85. Do you think the next four years will be on the whole successful or unsuccessful for:
a. The country as a whole?
Very successful
Somewhat successful
Somewhat unsuccessful
Very unsuccessful
b. You, personally
Very successful
Somewhat successful
Somewhat unsuccessful
Very unsuccessful

Q86. Do you think the current relatively favourable economic situation of the country is in the main the result of an effective economic policy by Russia's leadership or the result of high world oil prices?
Result of effective economic policy
Result of high world oil prices

Q87. Do you think that the concentration of almost all power in this country in the hands of Vladimir Putin is good for Russia, or do you think it will do Russia no good at all?
Good for Russia
Will do Russia no good at all

Q88. What type of government will be most effective?
One which is completely subordinate to the President and his administration
One which takes decisions independently and is accountable for its actions

Q89 What were your main grievances against the government of Mikhail Kasyanov which recently resigned? (Several answers possible)
Had no coherent program for coming out of the crisis
Low professional qualifications
Couldn't get to grips with rising prices, falling incomes
Didn't care about the social protection of the population
Didn't fight crime effectively enough
Couldn't provide security for citizens, or prevent terrorism
Couldn't provide work for the people
Couldn't get to grips with crisis in the economy, falling production
Acted in the interests of shady mafia capital
Acted in the interests of foreign capital
Corrupted, acted firstly in its own interests
Carried on a strange war in Chechnya
No grievances against the Kasyanov government
Don't know

Q90. Do you think the new government of Mikhail Fradkov will be more effective, the same or less effective than its predecessor?
More effective
The same
Less effective
Don't know

Q91. Do you think the number of career officials in the new government will be more than, the same, or less than in its predecessor?
More career officials
The same number
Fewer career officials
Don't know

Q92. Do you think that there will be more, the same amount or less bureaucratism, incompetence and red tape in the new government?
The same amount

Q93. What about corruption and bribery? Do you think there will be more, the same amount or less in the new government?
The same amount

Q94. How long do you think the new prime minister of Russia will retain his post?
Until the autumn
Until the New Year
Until next spring
Until the end of next year
Until the end of Putin's new four-year term

Q95. Do you think that the new government of Russia will in the near future be able to make any improvements in the situation of the country?
Definitely yes
Probably yes
Probably not
Definitely not

Q96. Would you like to see Russia first and foremost a great power, respected and feared by other countries; or a country with a high standard of living, even if not one of the strongest countries in the world?
Great power, respected and feared
High standard of living, even if not a great power
Don't know

Q97. Do you think Russia is a great power at present?
Definitely yes
Probably yes
Probably not
Definitely not

Q98. What is your attitude to the United States of America?
Very good
Mainly good
Mainly bad
Very bad

Q99. How on the whole would you assess current relations between Russia and the United States of America?
Good, neighbourly
Normal, calm

Q100. In March last year the United States began a military operation against Iraq. What is your attitude to this campaign one year later?
Very positive
Somewhat positive
Somewhat negative
Very negative

Q101. What do you think is happening in Chechnya right now?
War is continuing
Peaceful life is being established

Q102. Do you consider that it is necessary to continue the military operation in Chechnya or begin peaceful negotiations?
Continue the military operation
Begin peaceful negotiations

Q103. Do you think the Russian authorities will in the end be able to resolve the situation in Chechnya, and provide order and peaceful life there?
Yes, in the near future
Yes, but it will take many years
No, Chechnya will be a source of tension and conflict in Russia for decades
No, Russia in the end will have to recognize the independence of Chechnya

Q104. Sex

Q105. How old are you?

Q106. Education
Elementary or lower
Incomplete secondary
Incomplete secondary, vocational
Complete secondary
Complete secondary, vocational
Technical college
Higher incomplete
University diploma

Q107. Do you believe in God, and if yes, what is your religion?
Don't believe
Protestant (including Baptist, Evangelist, Lutheran)
Jewish (Judaism)
Moslem (Islam)
Believe in God, but don't belong to a religion

Q108. Currently there is a fast preceding Easter. Are you observing it, and to what extent?
Eat as normal
Will fast the last week before Easter
Partially observe the fast
Fully observe the fast

Q109. Which of these holidays do you plan to observe?
1st of May
Victory Day (9 May)
None of these

Q110. Occupation
Own business (6+ persons)
Own business (up to 5 persons)
Director of enterprise, institution
Middle manager
Highly qualified specialist (architect, professor)
Specialist with higher education
Office worker
Ordinary shop/service worker
Skilled labourer
Unskilled labourer
Not working, looking for work
Not working, not looking for work
Non-working pensioner

Q111. (If not breadwinner) Occupation of breadwinner.
Own business (6+ persons)
Own business (up to 5 persons)
Director of enterprise, institution
Middle manager
Highly qualified specialist (architect, professor)
Specialist with higher education
Office worker
Ordinary shop/service worker
Skilled labourer
Unskilled labourer
Not working, looking for work
Not working, not looking for work
Non-working pensioner
I am the main breadwinner

Q112. [If breadwinner not working] What was the occupation of the breadwinner [your occupation if breadwinner] at his/her [your] last place of work?
Own business (more than 6 persons)
Own business (up to 5 persons)
Director of enterprise, institution
Middle manager
Highly qualified specialist (architect, professor)
Specialist with higher education
Office worker
Ordinary shop/service worker
Skilled labourer
Unskilled labourer
Never worked
Q113. What is your marital status?
Never married
Live together but not married
Married but live apart
Married and live together

Q114. How many people live together with you including yourself and all children?
4 or more

Q115. And how many children up to the age of 16 live with you and your family?
4 or more
No children

Q116. To which of the following population groups would you say you belong?
We barely make ends meet. Not enough money for food
Enough money for food, but buying clothes causes financial
Enough money for food and clothes, but durables (TV, fridge) are a problem
Can easily buy durables, but we can't buy very expensive things
We can afford to buy even quite expensive things (flat, dacha, and lots of other things)

Q117. What was the total income of your family during the last month from all sources?
Standard deviation

Q118. To which of the following social categories would you say you belong? [Show card, one answer]
Highest category
Upper part of middle category
Middle part of middle category
Lower part of middle category
Lowest category

Q119. Federal district
Far Eastern
Q120. Settlement size
Over 500,000
Less than 10,000

CSPP School of Government & Public Policy U. of Strathclyde Glasgow G1 1XQ Scotland