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SPP 495

Author: Gabriele Abels
Description: The Lisbon Treaty endowed parliaments with new rights, but the role of subnational parliaments in an evolving multi-level parliamentary field is so far widely neglected. Most current research restricts itself to a two-level perspective and does not fully address the multi-level implications of the ongoing (re-) parliamentarization process. The newly granted rights are of particular importance for subnational parliaments entrusted with legislative competences. There are currently reforms underway in all German Länder. This paper addresses the following questions: What are the parliamentary functions that sub-national parliaments such as the German Landtage fulfill in EU affairs? How do they respond to the opportunities in the post-Lisbon era? What implications do the observable changes in parliamentary functions at subnational level have for the conceptualization of a multi-level parliamentary field? Finally, what lessons can be drawn for subnational parliaments in general?

Price: £3.00
Postal Address:    CSPP Publications, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, G1 1XQ, UK

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