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SPP 520

Author: Kenneth Stevenson and Richard Rose
Description: This paper analyses the position on European integration of the hundreds of national parties winning seats in the 2014 European Parliament election. The data base comes from the Euandi project at the European University Institute, Florence. Positions are reported by country, by EP Party Group and by comparison with positions at the EP election in 2009. The results show that a big majority of MEPs are pro-integration, albeit less so than in the previous Parliament. By contrast, the majority of European citizens are not in favour of more European integration but prefer the status quo or are undecided. There is thus a substantial gap in support for integration between MEPs and the national electorates that they represent.

Price: £10.00
Postal Address:    CSPP Publications, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, G1 1XQ, UK

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CSPP School of Government & Public Policy U. of Strathclyde Glasgow G1 1XQ Scotland