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SPP 344

Author: Neil Munro and Richard Rose
Description: Since its foundation in December 1991, the Russian Federation has had two presidential elections, two referendums and three elections to the Duma. While the rules for conducting elections have remained relatively stable, the names of parties and the behaviour of voters has not. This paper presents in a standard format the results of all nationwide elections in the Russian Federation, giving the number and percentage of votes and seats awarded in the Duma, with separate tables for results in the single-member districts. Tables include all parties winning at least 1.0 percent of the vote in at least one election in one ballot form or another; their Russian as well as English names are given. The results have been carefully edited from a multiplicity of Russian-language sources.

Price: £5.00
Postal Address:    CSPP Publications, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, G1 1XQ, UK

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CSPP School of Government & Public Policy U. of Strathclyde Glasgow G1 1XQ Scotland