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New Democracies Barometer

Welcome to SEEC

Search Europe Electronically on Concepts (SEEC) is an on-line system for searching questions and generating tables from the multi-national New Democracies Barometer (NDB) surveys of post-Communist countries, organized by the Paul Lazarsfeld Society, Vienna, under the scientific direction of Professor Richard Rose and Dr. Christian Haerpfer.

The database includes four NDB rounds, the first started in November, 1991, and the fourth from October to December 1995. The countries covered in all four rounds are: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Slovenia. Three NDB rounds -- 1992, 1993 and 1995 -- were fielded in Croatia, Belarus and Ukraine. A shorter form of the questionnaire was used in Austria in 1991. For more information see New Democracies Barometer and NDB questionnaires.

The SEEC system is a joint project of the CSPP and the Information Science Department of the U. of Aberdeen and TARKI, Budapest, supported by a grant from the Electronic Publishing Division of the Open Society Institute, Budapest.

How to use the System

*1st.  CHOOSE A TOPIC.   You can either type in the word you are interested in, or you can select up to two terms from the Thesaurus, which covers hundreds of topics. The system will locate questions in NDB surveys about your chosen topic or combinations of topics.

*2nd.  CHOOSE A SPECIFIC QUESTION.    A topic is usually broader than a question; a number of questions will be relevant to a search on, say, democracy or income.

*3rd.  CHOOSE THE TYPE OF QUERY.  You have a choice amongst the following options:

  • Crosstab by Country
  • Crosstab by Year
  • Crosstab by Age
  • Crosstab by Gender
  • Crosstab by Education
  • Crosstab by View of Current Regime
  • Crosstab by Economic Situation of Family
  • Crosstab by Income Quartile of Household
  • Crosstab by Town Size.
  • Frequency

*4th.   CHOOSE A COUNTRY or COUNTRIES.  The data base covers 11 countries: Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine and Austria.  Before a table can be created from the data, you will need to specify which country should be included, or in the case of a country crosstab, select all countries.

*5th.   CHOOSE A YEAR OR TIME SERIES.  Before a table is created, you will need to specify which year or, in the case of trend analysis, select all years.  The dates of NDB fieldwork are:

  • NDB I:     November 1991 - March, 1992
  • NDB II:    November, 1992 - March 1993
  • NDB III:   November, 1993 - April, 1994
  • NDB IV:   October-December, 1995.
  • NDB V:   February-April, 1998.

Questionnaires vary from year to year: some questions are not asked every year. If you want to read the questionnaires click here.

*6th. You will then receive a table, and can generate additional analytic tables for the question, look at another question for same topic, or search a different topic.

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  • Automatically load images
  • Enable Java
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  • Enable Autoinstall.
  • Enable Cookies.

CSPP School of Government & Public Policy U. of Strathclyde Glasgow G1 1XQ Scotland