Half a billion people have dual citizenship. This gives people a vote in national elections holding their national government accountable and a vote in European elections in which they can elect a few representatives to the 751-seat multi-national European Parliament. Citizens are left to decide how to reconcile their monopoly on the accountability of their national government with the power-sharing that their elected representatives engage in at the European level.
National referendums rejecting EU policies are challenging the legitimacy of the EU’s authority. The challenge is being examined in a new project, REDO: Referendums and European Democracy, in collaboration with the Robert Schuman Centre of the European University Institute Florence and C2D, University of Zurich.
Tensions created from Athens to London are examined in a new edition of Representing Europeans and in blogs and comments on the UK Referendum on staying in or leaving the EU. Small states are more than four-fifths of member states in the EU. Their distinctive role is the subject of six reports in a major project financed by the Portuguese Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.
REDO is launching a collection of Abstracts of papers presented at major conferences in Europe and America about national referendums of EU relevance. The Brexit section contains abstracts of papers on the unique UK experience of living with a referendum’s consequences.
"Responsible Party Government in a World of Interdependence". West European Politics, (2014) 37,2, 253-269. Richard Rose.
"Static and Dynamic Views of European Integration". Journal of Common Market Studies, (2015) doi: 10.1111/jcms.12295. Richard Rose and Gabriela Borz.
"Aggregation before Representation in European Parliament Party Groups". West European Politics (2013), 36,3, 474-497. Richard Rose and Gabriela Borz.
"What Determines Demand for European Union Referendums?". Journal of European Integration (2013), 35,5, 619-633. Richard Rose and Gabriela Borz.
"Evaluating Competing Criteria for Allocating Parliamentary Seats". Journal of Mathematical Social Sciences (2012), 63, 85-89. Richard Rose, Patrick Bernhagen and Gabriela Borz.
"Institutional Stimuli and Individual Response as Explanations of Turnout: the 2009 European Parliament Election". Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (2013), 23, 4, 405-422. Richard Rose and Gabriela Borz.
"To Ask or to Simulate?", Studies in Public Policy 512.
"Simulieren oder Fragen?" Methoden-Daten-Analaysen, 6,2, 2012, 133-156. Patrick Bernhagen and Richard Rose.
SPP 524. The Absolute and Instrumental Legitimacy of Democracy. Richard Rose and Bernhard Weßels.
SPP 522. The Rolling Path to Brexit. Richard Rose.
SPP 520. National Party Programmes and European Integration. Kenneth Stevenson and Richard Rose.
SPP 516. The Conflicting Dynamics of European Integration: Institutions vs. Public Opinion. Richard Rose and Gabriela Borz.
SPP 514. The European Political Capital of Portuguese. Richard Rose and Alexander Trechsel.
SPP 513. Myths and Countermyths in the European Union. Krisztina Arató.
SPP 512. To Ask or to Simulate? Estimating the Political Effects of Low Turnout at the 2009 European Parliament Election. Patrick Bernhagen and Richard Rose.
SPP 507. Transparency as Organized Hypocrisy? The Case of the EU Legislative Process. Stephanie Novak.
SPP 506. Vertical and Horizontal EU Policymaking. Richard Rose and Alexander Trechsel.
SPP 504. Dissent in EU Council Voting. Domestic Adjustment Costs and Interdependence as Explanations. Javier Arregui and Robert Thomson.
SPP 500. How Size Matters: Portugal as an EU Member. Richard Rose and Alexander Trechsel.
SPP 496. Facing Up to Britain's Europe Problems. Richard Rose.
SPP 495. Sub-National Parliaments in a Multi-Level Parliamentary System: The German Länder in the Post-Lisbon Era. Gabriele Abels.
SPP 487. The Nature and Evolution of Public Support for European Integration over the Long Run. Christopher J. Anderson and Jason D Hecht.
SPP 485. Designing Low-Cost Campaigns? The Effects of Party Finance on National Parties in European Elections. Mathieu Petithomme.
SPP 484. Citizen Participation and the Lisbon Treaty: A Legal Perspective. Francesco Maiani.
SPP 483. The Organization of the EU Parliamentary Parties: The Impact of Eastern Enlargement. Edoardo Bressanelli.
SPP 475. Constitutional Identity Politics? The German Constitutional Court, The Lisbon Treaty and Europe's Constitutional Doctrine. Wilhelm Lehmann.
SPP 473. On Political Representation: Myths and Challenges. Johannes Pollak.
SPP 472. Inequality in the Representation of Citizens in the European Parliament. Patrick Bernhagen and Richard Rose.
SPP 470. Mapping Parties across Europe with EU Profiler Data. Gabriela Borz and Richard Rose.
SPP 468. Explanation is Not Justification: Representation in the European Union System. Richard Rose.
SPP 467. Patterns of Party Regulation in Post-War European Constitutions. Ingrid Van Biezen and Gabriela Borz.
- Interdependence of Policies and Institutions Challenges Democratic Accountability, European University Institute.
- Interdependence Creates a Democratic Deficit & Surplus in Europe, Georgetown University, Washington DC.
- Is The English Channel Widening? University Association of Centres of EU Studies, Bilbao.
- EU Enlargement Policy & UK Interests, Foreign & Commonwealth Office.
- The Choices for Dissatisfied Europeans: The Status Quo. An Ever Closer Union. Backing Off the Union, European Commission Headquarters, Brussels.
- Portugal’s Participation in EU Decision-Making, Brussels.
- Has the EU Too Much Or Too Little Democracy–Or Both? People’s Daily, China.
- Macro and Micro Dimensions in the Politics of Austerity, PSA Greek Politics Specialist Group, University of Strathclyde.
- Small States in the European Union, Austrian Embassy, London.
- How Robust is the the Eurozone's Political Economy?, European Financial Review.
- Pragmatism, Euroscepticism and Integration: A Dynamic Approach, University of Lisbon.
- Representing Europeans: A Pragmatic Approach, London School of Economics.
- Too Much or Too Little Democracy: Implications for the Eurozone, The Centre, Brussels.
- The Referendum–Friend or Foe of European Integration?, Federal Trust.
- Responsible Party Government in a World of Interdependence, European University Institute, Richard Rose.
- European Crisis and Popular Commitment, Conference on The Euro Crisis and the State of European Democracy, European University Institute, Richard Rose.
- Can National Governments be Responsible in a World of Interdependence? Conference in honour of Peter Mair, European University Institute, Richard Rose.
- Smaller States in EU Decision-Making: Portugal in Comparative Perspective, Robert Schuman Centre, European University Institute, Florence, Richard Rose.
- Popular Commitment to an Ever Closer Union? A Pragmatic Approach, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Richard Rose.
- Making Voices Count: The Problem of Aggregation in EP Party Groups, The Politics of Representation, European University Institute, Florence. Richard Rose and Gabriela Borz.
- Representation in Parliamentary Democracies: The European Parliament as a Deviant Case, RECON Conference on Strengthening Democracy in the EU, University of Bremen. Richard Rose.
- Why We are All Eurosceptic Now, Times Higher Education review, Richard Rose.
- Inequalities in Representation in the European Parliament, ECPR 5th Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, Oporto, Portugal.
- Representation in EU Governance: Explanation without Justification, IPSA-University of Luxembourg Symposium, Luxembourg.
For more, see The EU Referendum: UK In or Out?