Talking Points: Examples of how the CSPP links ideas and data
- Interdependence of Policies and Institutions Challenges Democratic Accountability, European University Institute.
- Interdependence Creates a Democratic Deficit & Surplus in Europe, Georgetown University, Washington DC.
- Is The English Channel Widening? University Association of Centres of EU Studies, Bilbao.
- The Choices for Dissatisfied Europeans: The Status Quo. An Ever Closer Union. Backing Off the Union, European Commission Headquarters, Brussels.
- Portugal’s Participation In EU Decision-Making,
- Has the EU Too Much Or Too Little Democracy–Or Both? People’s Daily, China.
- Macro and Micro Dimensions in the Politics of Austerity, PSA Greek Politics Specialist Group, University of Strathclyde.
- Small States in the European Union, Austrian Embassy, London.
- How Robust is the Eurozone's Political Economy?, European Financial Review.
- Pragmatism, Euroscepticism and Integration: A Dynamic Approach, University of Lisbon.
- Representing Europeans: A Pragmatic Approach, London School of Economics.
- Too Much or Too Little Democracy: Implications for the Eurozone, The Centre, Brussels.
- The Referendum–Friend or Foe of European Integration?, Federal Trust.
- Responsible Party Government in a World of Interdependence, European University Institute, Richard Rose.
- EU Enlargement Policy & UK Interests, Foreign & Commonwealth Office.
- US-UK Relationship, written evidence to the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee.
CSPP School of Government & Public Policy U. of Strathclyde Glasgow G1 1XQ Scotland