Barometer Surveys
Since the spring of 1991 the CSPP has been involved in more than 100 nationwide sample surveys in post-Communist countries. Each round of surveys asks a common core of questions, a unique source for monitoring trends within nations, and comparisons across nations. All research questions and analyses are undertaken independent of government. Comparative surveys have been organized as follows:
- New Russia Barometer (20 surveys since 1992) plus Belarus and Ukraine, Moldova
- New Europe Barometer (7 rounds since 1991): Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania
- New Baltic Barometer (6 surveys since 1993): Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
- Yugoslav Successor States (5 surveys since 1998): Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina.
- Turkey
- Korea
- Full list of countries and years
Each survey uses a questionnaire with innovative indicators specially relevant in transition societies: support for democracy and undemocratic alternatives; corruption; attitudes to enlarging Europe; coping with a multiplicity of economies, monetized and non-monetized; relative affluence and destitution; and demographics: age, education, gender, urban/rural residence, etc.
Nationally representative random samples of at least 1000 respondents. Face-to-face interviewing by established national research institutes. Full details of samples are in Barometer SPP publications. For New Russia Barometer, click here.
Latest Barometer Publications
SPP 492 New Russia Barometer XX. Public Opinion of Vladimir Putin's Return as President.
SPP 490 New Russia Barometer XIX. The 2011 Duma Election.
SPP 462 Russians in Economic Crisis: New
Russia Barometer XVIII.
SPP 443 Electing a New Leader?: New Russia
Barometer XVII.
SPP 442 New Russia Barometer XVI: United
Russia's Duma Victory.
SPP 426 New
Russia Barometer XV: The Climax of the Putin Years.
SPP 418 Diverging Paths of Post-Communist
Countries: New Europe Barometer Trends Since 1991.
SPP 410 Fair Treatment in A Divided Society:
A Bottom Up Assessment of Bureaucratic Encounters in Latvia.
SPP 408 Going Public with Private Opinions: Are Post-communist Citizens
Afraid to Say What They Think?
SPP 407 South-east Europe Barometer Public
Opinion Compared in 7 Countries.
SPP 406 Croatian Opinion and EU Membership.
SPP 404 Insiders and Outsiders: New Europe
Barometer 2004.
SPP 403 Divisions within Ukraine: A Post-Election
Opinion Survey.
SPP 402 New Russia Barometer XIV: Evidence
of Dissatisfaction
SPP 401 New Baltic Barometer VI: a Post-Enlargement
SPP 400 Are Bulgaria And Romania Up To
EU Standards? A New Europe Barometer Evaluation.
SPP 399 Baltic Identities and Interests
in A European Setting: A Bottom Up Perspective.
SPP 390 Russian Responses to Transformation:
Trends in Public Opinion Since 1992.
FUNDING: CSPP research is supported by grants from the European Commission, World Bank, the British Economic & Social Research Council, Leverhulme Trust, Nuffield Foundation, National Science Foundation, Washington, British Foreign Office Know How Fund, Anglo-German Foundation, the Hans-Boeckler Stiftung, the Open Society Institute, and the Swedish Tercentenary Fund. The New Democracies Barometer is funded by the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research and the Austrian National Bank, and the Korea Democracy Barometer was financed by Korean, American and British foundations.