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New Russia Barometer V Questionnaire


EM2. What is your main occupation?
Permanent employee
Regularly employed on limited contract
Private business, entrepreneur

If Employed:
EM3. What is your employment status?
Owner of private business
Self-employed, private farmer

EM4. What is your occupational level?
Supervisor of subdivision
Technical and auxiliary staff
Manual skilled
Agriculture skilled
Manual routine
Agriculture routine
Army conscript, lower rank police

EM5. What is the type of the enterprise at which you work?
State enterprise
State public limited company
Collective farm
Farm cooperative
Enterprise privatised by employees
Leased enterprise
Nonstate public limited company
Private company, farm, cooperative
Enterprise with investment of foreign capital
Public organization

EM6. To what branch of economy does your enterprise belong?
Industry, transport, communications, construction
Agriculture, forestry
Trade, community work, services
Education, nursery, health, culture, science, etc.
Management, public organizations, finance, insurance
Army, police, security

EM7. How many employees does your enterprise have?
Up to 20/21-50/51-200/201-500/501-1000/More than 1000/ Don't know

EM8. Have you been unemployed during the last year?
No/Yes/Not in labour force

If Yes:
EM9. During the past year how many weeks have you been unemployed?
1 - 2 weeks/3 - 4 weeks/5 - 6 weeks/7 - 8 weeks/9 - 10 weeks/11 - 12 weeks/13 - 16 weeks/17 - 24 weeks/25 - 52 weeks

EM10. Were there times the last year when your salary was delayed?

If Yes:
EM11. For how many weeks your salary was delayed?
1 week/2 weeks/3 weeks/4 weeks/5 weeks/6 weeks/7 - 8 weeks/9 - 12 weeks/13 - 24 weeks/More than 24 weeks

EM12. Were there occasions when you were not paid at all?

If Yes:
EM13. For how many months were you not paid?
0 months/1 month/2 months/3 months/4 months/5 months/6 months/7 - 12 months/More than 12 months

EM14. Did you have to work short time during the last year?

If Yes:
EM15. How many weeks?
1 week/2 weeks/3 weeks/4 weeks/5 - 6 weeks/7 - 8 weeks/9 - 10 weeks/11 - 12 weeks/13 - 16 weeks/17 - 24 weeks/More than 24 weeks

EM16. If you lose your job and don't find a job in the place where you live, would you be willing to move to another city?
Yes/No/Don't know

EM17. If your enterprise faces difficulties, what would you prefer?
To keep job even if salary delayed, not paid in full or not paid at all
To be made redundant, registered in the employment agency and receiving unemployment and other benefits
Don't know

EM18. How would you look for a new job if you lose you current one? (More than one answer permitted) (% naming each alternative)
Employment office
Friends, relatives
Approach employer
Don't know

EM21. If there are redundancies or fear of redundancies, what affect does this have on people: (More than one answer allowed) (% naming each alternative)
Become isolated, pursue own interests
Fight to save their job
Look for another job, quit
Try ingratiate selves with management
Became more tolerant of each other
Organise collective protest
Work better
Don't know

EM22. Does the management of your enterprise undertake any measures to prevent mass redundancies? (More than one answer allowed) (% naming each alternative)
Workers on short time
Workers on unpaid leave
Creates new business activities to employ people
Help people look for a new job
Actively seeks new suppliers and markets to keep up production
Don't know

Ask all:
EM23. Do you think that you personally could lose your job?
Very likely/May be/Unlikely/Don't know

EM24. If you lose your job, do you think you could find another using your skills in the same type of occupation?
Yes/No/Don't know

EM25. Do you have any relatives or friends who are unemployed?
No/1-2 persons/3+/Don't know

EM26. Do you think that people became more or less afraid of losing their job in recent times?
More fear/Same/Less fear/Never feared/Don't know

EM27. Which of the following statements about unemployment most closely reflects your opinion?
Should be prevented by any means
A normal phenomenon
Small amount is useful
Unemployment is necessary for efficiency
Don't know

EM28. How likely is it that people like you could lose their job during the transition to the market economy?
I don't work/Quite possible/Unlikely/Don't know

All answer:
EM29. Besides your main job, did you have an additional job bringing in income during the last month?
Yes, regular/Yes, occasional/No

If Yes:
EM30. How many hours a week were you engaged at this additional job?
4 hours or less/5 - 8 hours/9 - 12 hours/13 - 16 hours/17 - 20 hours/21 - 30 hours/31 - 40 hours/More than 40 hours

EM31. What were the earnings from all such additional sources during the last month (except from your main job, pensions, scholarship, benefits etc.). If you had incomes in foreign currency, please convert it according to the rate.
Less than 50,000 roubles/51,000 - 100,000 roubles/101,000 - 250,000 roubles/251,000 - 500,000 roubles/More than 500,000 roubles

EM32. Which of the following is the most important for the living standard of your family?
Growing own food
Repairing, extending house
Use of connections, favours
What we get as help from friends and relatives
Earning foreign currency
Earnings in second job, business
Money got on side, tips
Main job
Pension or unemployment benefit
Benefits from place of work
Don't know

EM33. And the second most important.
Growing own food
Repairing, extending house
Use of connections, favours
What we get as help from friends and relatives
Earning foreign currency
Earnings in second job, business
Money got on side, tips
Main job
Pension or unemployment benefit
Benefits from place of work
Don't know


PR1. What is the probability that your enterprise will be privatized?
Never state/Already privatized/Very likely/May be/Unlikely/No chance

PR2. Which form of transfer of land into individual use is the best?
Long-term lease with right to transfer land by inheritance
Private property with right of inheritance and sale to anyone
Private property with right of inheritance; sale only to Russian citizens
Land should not be in individual hands
Don't know

PR3. Which forms of agriculture are best to ensure people get food in promptly?
Old collective and state farms
Reformed state cooperatives. etc.
Private farms
Don't know

PR4. Do you think individuals should be allowed to own each of the following? (% answering yes)
(a) Small enterprises, shops, cafés
(b) Big plants and factories
(c) Small land plots
(d) Large land plots

PR5. What is your attitude if in this country foreigners could own:
Positive/Negative/Don't know
(a) Small enterprises, shops, cafés
(b) Big plants and factories
(c) Small land plots
(d) Large land plots


EV1. How would you describe your mood in recent days?
Excellent/Normal/Tense/Depressed/Don't know

EV2. How would you describe your family's current economic situation?
Very good/Good/So so/Bad/Very bad/Don't know

EV3. How would you describe your city's (rural district) current economic situation?
Very good/Good/So so/Bad/Very bad/Don't know

EV4. How would you describe the country's current economic situation?
Very good/Good/So so/Bad/Very bad/Don't know

EV5. Which of the following statements is most relevant to the current situation?
Everything is not too bad and it is possible to live
Life is hard,but we can get by
Our miserable situation can't be tolerated any more
Don't know

EV6. Do you think that the market reforms should be halted or continued?
Continue/Halt/Don't know

EV7. How much time do you think the government will need to solve the economic problems in the country?
1-2 years/3-5 years/6-10 years/Never/Don't know/Already content

EV8. Who is to be blamed for our economic problems and to what extent?
Mainly/Some extent/Not much/Not at all/Don't know
a) Yeltsin
b) Communists
c) Entrepreneurs
d) Government
e) Western countries
f) Communist nomenklatura
g) Apparatus of President and government
h) Chernomyrdin
i) Mafia
j) Jews

EV9. All in all, how do you rate the economic situation of your family today?
Very satisfactory/Fairly satisfactory/Not very satisfactory/Very unsatisfactory

EV10. How would you compare it with that five years ago?
Much better now/Somewhat better/Same/Somewhat worse now/Much worse

EV11. What do you think the economic situation of your family will be in five years?
Much better in future/Somewhat better/Same/Somewhat worse in future/Much worse

EV12. Do you think that the economic reforms in this country are being conducted too fast, too slow or at the right speed?
Too fast/Somewhat fast/Right speed/Somewhat slow/Too slow

EV13. Here is a scale ranking how well an economy works. The top, plus 100, is the best and the bottom, minus 100, is the worst. Where on this scale would you put:
a. The economic system before the start of perestroyka
b. Our current economic system
c. Our economic system in five years.

EV14. Which economic system do you think is better?
State planning, control of distribution
Private property and market
Don't know

EV15. How would you describe the speed of economic reforms in Russia?
1 No movement/2/3/4/5/6/7 Very fast/8 Don't know

EV16. What do you think are the main obstacles in the way of the economic reforms? (More than one answer allowed) (% saying yes)
Lazy people
Shortage of people with initiative
Lack of interest
Weak state
Non-compliance with laws
No strategy
Regional conflicts
Incompetence of officials
Don't know

EV17. Which of the following statements about Russia's transition to the market economy is closest to your view?
Move as fast as possible
Transition necessary but should be gradual
There is no need for a market economy
Don't know

EV18. Do you think that the state should put an upper limit on personal incomes?
No upper limit
Top income no more than three or four times the lowest
State should prevent appearance of super-rich people
Don't know

EV19. How would you describe the income of your family?
Live below poverty line
Hardly get by
Economise and live more or less decently
No material problem
Don't know

EV20. When will the economic reforms produce positive results for most people?
1 year/2 years/3-5 years/10 years/15 years/25 years/Reform will change nothing/Reform makes situation worse/Radical reform will never start/Don't know

EV21. Speaking about the economic conditions in this country in general, do you think that the next 12 months will be for economy a good time, a bad time or something else?
Good/Generally good/Neither good nor bad/Generally bad/Bad/Don't know

EV22. If Russians in another country were under threat from the government there, the Russian government could respond in different ways. Which of the following actions would you support:
Totally agree/Somewhat agree/Somewhat disagree/Totally disagree
a) Negotiate
b) Use economic pressure
c) Resettle people of Russian nationality in the Russian Federation
d)Military action
e)Nothing can be done

EV23. Here are some opinions that different people hold. For each pair, please say which is completely or somewhat close to your opinion.
a) Inflation is the biggest threat for our family
Completely agree/Somewhat agree
OR Unemployment is the biggest threat
Completely agree/Somewhat agree

b) It is better when there are plenty of goods in the shops even if they are expensive
Completely agree/Somewhat agree
OR It is better when the prices are kept low by the state even if there is few goods in the shops
Completely agree/Somewhat agree


IN1. What was the size of net earnings from your main job during the last month after taxes? If it was in a foreign currency, please convert it according to the current rouble rate. (Thousand Rb)
Mean/Standard deviation

IN2. Who is the main bread-winner in your family?
Self/Other family member

IF not a bread-winner:
IN3. What is the occupation of the family's bread-winner?
Regular job/Self-employed, own business/Student/Pensioner /Unemployed/Other

IN5. To what employee group does the bread-winner belong?
Manager/Supervisor/Specialist/Technical, auxiliary/Manual skilled/Manual routine/Other

What was the total income of your family during the last month from:
(If any income in foreign currency, convert according to the current rate)

IN6. Main job (inclusive of increments, bonuses, overtime, etc)
Mean/Standard deviation

IN7. Additional incomes (combining jobs, short-term contracts, occasional earnings)
Mean/Standard deviation

IN8. Private business including self-employed
Mean/Standard deviation

IN9. Pensions
Mean/Standard deviation

IN10. Scholarships
Mean/Standard deviation

IN11. Benefits, compensations
Mean/Standard deviation

IN12. Alimony
Mean/Standard deviation

IN13. Dividends from shares, bonds, vouchers
Mean/Standard deviation

IN14. Interest on savings
Mean/Standard deviation

IN15. Sale of food produced in household
Mean/Standard deviation

IN16. Other cash (help from relatives, sale of belongings, leasing of housing, dacha, garage)
Mean/Standard deviation

IN17. Total (Give as collapsed)
Mean/Standard deviation

IN18. Compared to prices, how did your family income change during the last month?
Income rose much more than prices
Income rose a little more than prices
Income rose a little less than prices
Income rose a lot less than prices
Don't know

IN19. How much money would your family need in order to live normally?
Up to 500,000 roubles/500,000 - 1,000,000 roubles/1,000,000 - 1,500,000 roubles/1,500,000 - 2,000,000 roubles/2,000,000 - 2,500,000 roubles/2,500,000 - 3,000,000 roubles/3,000,000 - 4,000,000 roubles/More than 4,000,000 roubles

IN20. There are different views of the meaning of the minimum income for survival. With which of the following would you agree? The minimum for survival is an income that ensures:
Physical survival/Modest but decent life/Don't know

IN21. What monthly income per person is required to ensure the survival minimum now? (Thousand Rb per person)
Less than 250,000 roubles/250,000 - 500,000 roubles/500,000 - 750,000 roubles/750,000 - 1,000,000 roubles/More than 1,000,000 roubles

IN22. How do you think prices for basic goods and services will change during the next one or two months?
Increase faster than now/Increase at the same rate/Increase slower than now/No increase/Prices will fall/Don't know

IN23. Do you and your family members earn enough from your main job to buy all of your necessities?
More than enough/Enough/Not enough/Not enough at all/Don't know

IN24. In the past year has your household been able to:
Make savings/Just get by/Spent savings/Borrowed money/Spent and borrowed

IN25. How long will it be before you have reached a standard of living with which you are content?
1-2 years/3-5 years/6-10 years/Never/Don't know/Already content

IN26. Which of the following systems of pricing food is more correct?
Fixed prices and sale by rationing
No price controls and state compensates low income families
Don't know

IN27. With which of the proposals about price controls would you most agree?
State should fix prices for most goods no matter who produces them
State should fix prices only for a limited number of basic goods
State should interfere in prices as little as possible
Don't know

IN28. Do people like yourself have the opportunity to increase their incomes now?
Yes/Probably/Probably not/No/Don't know

IN29. Who now has favourable conditions to increase their incomes?
(Not more than 3 answers) (% choosing alternative)
Non-manual technicians
Street traders
Small shop owners
Collective farmers
Private farmers
Enterprising people
Dishonest people
Trade and service industry employees
New entrepreneurs, bankers
Don't know

IN30. Has the pay in your main job increased during the last 3 months?
If so, by how much?
Didn't increase/Increased less than half/Up to 2 times/Up to 2 and a half times/Up to 3 times/More than 3 times/Don't know

IN31. If your salary increased, what was the reason? (More than one)
Indexation/Work more, overtime/Promotion/Good performance of enterprise/New job/Don't know

IN32. Are you satisfied with the pay from your main job?
Totally satisfied/Somewhat satisfied/Somewhat dissatisfied/Totally dissatisfied/Don't know

IN33. Do you earn more or less than you think you deserve?
Much less than deserved/Somewhat less/As deserved/Somewhat more than deserved/Much more/Don't know

IN34. What pay do you think deserve for your work? (Thousand Rb)
Less than 250,000 roubles/250,000 - 500,000 roubles/500,000 - 750,000 roubles/750,000 - 1,000,000 roubles/1,000,000 - 1,500,000 roubles/1,500,000 - 2,000,000 roubles/More than 2,000,000 roubles

IN35. On what does your salary primarily depend?
Decisions of government, President, Parliament
Enterprise performance
My work group's performance
Own performance
Opportunity for overtime
Don't know

IN36. What is the attitude at your work place towards those who earn much more compared to others?
Respect: these are people who work more and better
Normal: everyone gets what deserves
Disliked: these are greedy and egoists
Not much difference in pay
Don't know

IN37. What was the share of the salary from your main job in your total income last month?


VL1. In general, how satisfied are you with the way of life you pursue?
Totally satisfied/Generally satisfied/Partly satisfied, partly not/Generally unsatisfied/Completely unsatisfied/Don't know

To what extent are you currently satisfied with: (% satisfied)

VL2. Family relationships

VL3. Your health

VL4. Friends

VL5. Status in society

VL6. Work you do

VL7. Relations at your work place

VL8. Education

VL9. Way you spend your spare time

VL10. Material situation of your family

VL11. Nutrition of your family

VL12. Housing situation of your family

VL13. Environmental conditions where you live

VL14. Your life in general

VL15. Generally speaking, do you feel confidence in the future?
Yes/Some/A little/None/Don't know

VL16. Do you feel yourself safe in the streets?
Yes/Somewhat/Not much/Not at all/Don't know

VL17. Do you feel yourself a free person in our society?
Yes/Somewhat/Not much/Not at all/Don't know


M2. Mark in the following list newspapers you read more or less regularly, that is, at least once a week. (more than one permitted)
Argymenty i Facty
Komsomolskaya Pravda
Krasnaya Zvezda
Nezavisimaya Gazeta
Rossiyskaya Gazeta
Sovetskaya Rossiya
Selskaya Zhizn'
Other central newspapers
Local newspapers
Don't read any regularly


PA1. How would you evaluate the general political situation in Russia?
Favourable/Calm/Tense/Critical/Don't know

PA2. Do you think that we are living through the hardest time now, or it is behind us or it is still ahead?
Now/Behind/Ahead/Don't know

PA3. Do you think that during the next year our life will improve or that there will be no improvement?
Will improve/No improvement/Don't know

PA4. Do you think that Russia's leaders control the situation in the country or that the situation is beyond control?
Situation controlled/Out of control/Don't know

PA5. What do you think is more important for Russia now: order or democracy?
Order/Democracy/Don't know

In the next months, what do you think will happen to Russia
PA6 political life?
Much improvement/Some improvement/Some deterioration/Much deterioration/Don't know

PA7 the economy?
Much improvement/Some improvement/Some deterioration/Much deterioration/Don't know

PA8. Which of the following problems worry you the most? (Maximum of six alternatives)
Shortage of food, basic goods
Economic crisis, decline industry, agric.
Crisis of morals
Ethnic tensions
Unjust distribution of income
Threat of fascism & extremism
Corruption, bribery
Weakness of the state
Conflicts within government
Threat of military dicatorship
Armed conflicts at Russia's borders
Don't know

PA9. How likely are mass demonstration against inflation and falling living standards in your area?
Quite possible/Unlikely/Don't know

PA10. If meetings or demonstrations take place, will you participate or not?
Probably will/Probably not/Don't know

PA11. Generally speaking, to what extent does our society ensure rights of individuals to such things as a job, education, recreation, etc?
Completely ensured/Generally ensured/Generally not ensured/Not ensured at all/Don't know

PA12. On whose help do you rely in the first instance when having problems? (One or two answers)
Friends, relatives
Public organizations such as unions, etc.
Don't know

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the view that:
PA13. The state should provide at least the minimum needed for survival for everyone.
Completely agree/Somewhat agree/Neither agree nor disagree/Somewhat disagree/Completely disagree/Don't know

PA14. The state should provide a job for everyone who wants to work.
Completely agree/Somewhat agree/Neither agree nor disagree/Somewhat disagree/Completely disagree/Don't know

PA15. Do you think housing should be mainly free or people should have to buy their house or do we need both?
Mainly free/Both paid & free/Mainly paid/Don't know

PA16. Do you think health services should be mainly free or not free, or do we need both?
Mainly free/Both paid & free/Mainly paid/Don't know

PA17. Do you think schooling should be mainly free, or not free, or do we need both?
Mainly free/Both paid & free/Mainly paid/Don't know

PA18. Do you think higher education should be mainly free, or not free, or do we need both?
Mainly free/Both paid & free/Mainly paid/Don't know

PA19. Do you think that personal prosperity depends on the individual or on how just the society is?
Individual/Degree of justice in society/Don't know

PA20. To what extent are you interested in politics?
Very interested/Interested/Little interest/Not interested/Don't know

PA21. How often do you discuss politics with other people?
Often/Sometimes/Rarely/Never/Don't know

PA22. Here is a scale for evaluating the political system. The top, plus 100, is the best, and the bottom, minus 100, is the worst. Where on this scale would you put:
a. The political system we had before perestroyka
b. Our current political system
c. The political system we will have in five years

PA23. To what extent do you trust different institutions in our society? Please show me on this 7-point scale, where 1 represents no trust and 7 great trust.
Trusts/Neutral/Does not trust
a. Parties
b. Courts
c. Police
d. Civil servants
e. Army
f. Parliament
g. Religious organizations
h. Collective farms
i. Trade unions
j. President of Russia
k. Private entrepreneurs

PA24. Some people think that this country would be governed more effectively if the Parliament was suspended. How likely, do you think this is to happen in the next few years?
Very likely/May be/Not very likely/Not at all likely/Don't know

PA25. If Parliament was suspended, would you:
Strongly approve/Somewhat approve/Somewhat disapprove/Strongly disapprove

PA26. If political parties were suspended, would you
Strongly approve/Somewhat approve/Somewhat disapprove/Strongly disapprove

PA27. Do you approve or disapprove of how Boris Yeltsin is handling his duties of the President of the Russian Federation?
Strongly approve/Somewhat approve/Somewhat disapprove/Strongly disapprove/Don't know

Now here are some statements about how the country should be governed. Do you agree or disagree that:
PA28. The President should have the power to suspend the Parliament and rule by decree if he thinks this necessary.
Strongly agree/Somewhat agree/Somewhat disagree/Strongly disagree

PA29. The Parliament should have the power to stop the President taking actions that it objects to.
Strongly agree/Somewhat agree/Somewhat disagree/Strongly disagree

PA30. How about differences between the system before perestroika and our current system. Compared to the regime we had before perestroyka, would you say that it is now much better than before, better, neither better nor worse, a little worse or much worse?
Much easier/Easier/Same/Harder/Much harder
a. Everyone has the right to say what they think
b. You can join any organization you like
c. People like me can have an influence on government
e. Everybody has freedom of choice in religious matters
f. Everyone can decide individually whether or not to participate in politics.

PA31. Would you say that we will need years before we solve the problems our political system inherited from the regime we had before perestroyka OR If the political system does not produce good results soon, we should choose another?
Definitely agree need patience
Somewhat agree need patience
Somewhat agree need for quick results
Strongly agree need for quick results

PA32. There are different opinions about the nature of the state. To what extent would you agree with the following statements?
Completely agree/Generally agree/Somewhat disagree/Completely disagree
a. We should return to the Communist system
b. The army should govern the country
c. Important decisions about the economy should be made by experts, not the governments or parliament
d. We should restore the tsar
f. A tough dictatorship is the only way out of the current situation

PA33. Would you agree or disagree with the view that the central government in Moscow can't really do much to affect conditions around here?
Definitely agree/Somewhat agree/Somewhat disagree/Definitely disagree

PA34. Do you think any of the following countries could be a substantial threat to security and order in the world:
Big threat/Some threat/Little threat/No threat at all
a. China
b. Germany
c. Iran
d. USA
e. Republics of the former USSR
f. People of other nationalities living in Russia.


What is your personal view of:
VP1. President of Russia?
Complete approval/Disapprove some actions/Should resign/Don't know

VP2. The government of Russia
Complete approval/Disapprove some actions/Should resign/Don't know

VP3. The Prime Minister of Russia?
Complete approval/Disapprove some actions/Should resign/Don't know

VP4. Please name five or six Russian politicians you trust most. (% naming each)
Anpilov/Baburin/Borovoy/Volsky/Gaidar/Govorukhin/Gorbachev/Grachev/Yeltsin/Zhirinovsky/Zuganov/Kovalev/Korzhakov/Lapshin/Lakhova/Lebed/Luzhkov/Nemtsov/Pamfilova/Rossel/Rutskoi/Rybkin/Ryzhkov/Skokov/Sobchak/Solzhenitsyn/Tuleyev/B.Fedorov/S.Fedorov/Filatov/Khakamada/Khasbulatov/Chernomyrdin/Chilingarov/Chubais/Shakhrai/Shumeiko/Sherbakov/Yavlinsky/Other/None/Don't know

VP5. What rating from 1 to 10 would you give to the President of Russia Boris Yeltsin? (10=Best, 1=Worst)

VP6. Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin?

VP7. Did you participate in the elections on 17 December 1995?
Yes/No/Not eligible, too young

IF did not vote
VP8. Why didn't you participate in the election?
(More than one answer allowed) (% naming)
Was away
Didn't know who to vote
Tired of politics
No suitable party reflecting my interests
No trust in politicians
My vote does not matter
Elections dishonest, results will be forged
Duma has no power, elections no use
Don't understand politics
Never vote
Elections are not relevant for the country
Don't know

VP9. When did you decide to participate or not to participate in the elections and who to vote for?
Long before the start of the campaign
Beginning of the autumn
Last days before the election
When I had a ballot in my hand
Don't know

IF voted:
VP10. Which of the following parties and blocks did you vote for or did you vote "against all"?
Women of Russia
Transformation of Fatherland
Tikhonov-Tupolev-Tikhonov bloc
Russian All-National Movement
Muslim Movement NUR (Light)
Federal Democratic Movement
Traditionalist electoral bloc
Inter-ethnic Union
Stable Russia
Generation of the Frontier
My Fatherland
For the Motherland
Common Cause
Bloc of Independents
Our Home is Russia
Pamfilova-Gurov-Lysenko bloc
Forward Russia
Bloc 89
Ecological Party Kedr
Russia's Democratic Choice-United Dem.
Party of Russian Unity and Concord
Communist Party Russian Federation
Stanislav Govorukhin bloc
Lawyers of Russia
National Republican Party of Russia
Social Democrats
Power to People
Congress of Russian Communities
Trade unions, Industrialists, Union of Labor
Liberal Democratic Party of Russia
Electoral bloc
Party of Workers Self-Government
Communists-Workers of Russia for Soviet Union
Beer Lovers Party
Ivan Rybkin bloc
Economic Freedom
Peoples Union
Agrarian Party
Christian Democratic Union--Christians
Union of Workers in Communal Services
Against all
Don't know

VP11. Besides voting for a party list, you could vote for one candidate for your local constituency. In your constituency ballot did you vote for the person supported by the same party or bloc you chose on the party list, for a candidate supported by another group, an independent candidate or against all?
Same candidate as my list party
Candidate supported by another party
Voted for an independent
Don't know if candidate supported by a party
Voted against all

VP12. Are you generally satisfied with the election outcome?
Totally satisfied/Somewhat satisfied/Somewhat dissatisfied/Totally dissatisfied/Don't know

VP13. Some people think the election of the President must be held as planned in June of this year; others think the election should be postponed for two or three years. What do you think?
Elections must be held in June
Elections should be postponed
Don't know

VP14. Do you think that Yeltsin should run for the reelection as the President?
Yes/No/Don't know

VP15. If the presidential election took place next Sunday, which of the following candidates would you vote for?
Gaidar/Govorukhin/Gorbachev/Yeltsin/Zhirinovsky/Zuganov/ Lebed/Rutskoi/B.Fedorov/Chernomyrdin/Yavlinsky/None of above/ Haven't decided/Won't participate

VP16. If Yeltsin does not run in the elections, who would you vote for?
Gaidar/Govorukhin/Gorbachev/Zhirinovsky/Zuganov/Lebed Rutskoi/B.Fedorov/Chernomyrdin/Yavlinsky/None of above/Haven't decided/Won't participate

VP17. If Chernomyrdin does not run in the elections, who would you vote for?
Gaidar/Govorukhin/Gorbachev/Yeltsin/Zhirinovsky/Zuganov/ Lebed/Rutskoi/B.Fedorov/Yavlinsky/None of above/Haven't decided/ Won't participate

VP18. In the past, many people were members of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Were you or anyone in your family a CPSU member?
Active member
Member but did not participate in the party's work
Another in family was member


S1. Gender

S3. What education do you have?
Elementary or lower
Secondary incomplete
Secondary, no certificate
Vocational, secondary incomplete
Secondary academic
Vocational + secondary
Technical college
Higher incomplete
University diploma

S3b. How many years have you been studying including college, institutes etc?
0 years/1 - 4 years/5 - 7 years/8 years/9 years/10 years/11 years/ 12 years/13 years/14 years/15 years/16 years/17 years/18 - 25 years

S4. Family situation
Single/Married/Live together/Separated/Divorced/Widow

S5. How many persons are living with you in your family (including children and temporarily absent)?
1 person/2 people/3 people/4 people/5 people/6 people/7 people/ 8 people/9 people/10 people

S5a. How many family members are working now?

S6. How many children under 16 are in the family?

S7. What is your nationality?

S8. Do you ever think of yourself as a European?

S9. There are people occupying high position in the society and those who have low status in the society. What position did you have on this 1 to 10 scale two years ago? (1=high status, 10=low status)

S10. And what position do you have now?

S11. What position do you think you will occupy in five years?


CS1. Do you think it is a good or bad time now to buy durables (furniture, fridge, TV set, etc)?
Good/Neither good nor bad/Bad/Don't know

CS2. Could a family like yours buy a house now?
Yes/No/Don't know

CS3. Do you think now is a good or bad time to make savings?
Good/Neither good nor bad/Bad/Don't know

CS4. If you have or had savings, in the current situation where would you keep them? (Not more than 3 answers).
Saving bank
Commercial bank
Hard currency
Precious metals
Don't know

CS5. Are you or family members going to make savings in the near future?
Yes/No/Don't know

CS6. In the past twelve months did your family have to do without any of the following?
a) Food
b) Heating, electricity
c) Clothes, shoes that are really necessary

CS7. Does your household have any of the following? (% saying yes)
Washing machine
Colour TV

CS8. Are you planning to buy any of the following things during the next year? (% saying yes)
Washing machine
Colour TV

CS9. Do you think that in the next year prices will rise faster or slower than last year?
Much faster/Somewhat faster/Same speed/Somewhat slower/ Much slower

CS10. Do you expect your earnings or pension will increase faster or slower or at the same rate as prices in the next year?
Much faster/Somewhat faster/Same speed/Somewhat slower/ Much slower


H1. What kind of a house do you live in?
State local authority owned flat
Privatised flat in multiflat building
Flat bought in multiflat building
Shared flat, hostel
Private house, part of house

H2. Have you heard about the system of state-provided benefit payments for housing and communal services introduced in 1994?

IF Yes:
H3. Where did you learn about benefit payments for housing and communal services? (a few answers is OK)
TV/Radio/Newspapers/Local authorities/Leaflets, posters/ Friends, neighbours/

H4. When did you first hear about the system of benefit payments for housing and communal services?
1st half 1994/2nd half 1994/lst half 1995/2nd half 1995

H5. What do you think benefit payments for housing and communal services are about?
Rent rebates for all pensioners
Rent rebates for the people on low incomes
State credits enabling anyone to buy their own housing
Don't know

H6. Do you get or do you think that you could be eligible for benefit payments for housing and communal services?
Yes, I get
I am eligible but don't get them yet
I intend to get them in future
I don't get them
Don't know

H7. Do you think that you are eligible for the compensations for payment for housing and communal services?
Definitely yes/Probably/Unlikely/No/Don't know

CSPP School of Government & Public Policy U. of Strathclyde Glasgow G1 1XQ Scotland