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Yugoslav Successor States Barometer 2000 Questionnaire - Serbia, Montenegro

1. Have you or anyone in your household been unemployed at some time in the last year?
Yes, self
Yes, other in family
No one

IF YES, self or family member:
2. How many weeks were you unemployed?
1 to 3 weeks
4 weeks
5 to 6 weeks
7 to 12 weeks
13 to 26 weeks
27 to 52 weeks

4. What is your current economic situation?
Full-time employed
Part-time employed
Pensioner and employed
Pensioner not employed
Unemployed no benefit
Unemployed with benefit
Other benefit (eg, invalid,
Not in labour force (eg, housewife,

A1. If employed, what is your profession?
Big owner, manager
Small owner, manager
White collar employee
Blue collar employee
Civil servant

A2. If not employed, what was your occupational status?
Big owner, manager
Small owner, manager
White collar employee
Blue collar employee
Civil servant

6. Do you get enough money from your regular job to buy what you really need?
Definitely enough
Just enough
Not quite enough
Definitely not enough

7. Do you or anyone in your family have a second job to earn some money?
Yes, self
Other in family
No one does

Second job

11. In the past year, has your household:
Saved money
Just got by
Spent some savings
Borrowed money
Spent savings and

Sometimes people have to do without things that people usually have. In the past year has your household had to do without any of the following:
12a. Food

12b. Heating, electricity

12c. Clothes you really need

13. How long do you think it will be before you have reached a standard of living with which you are content?
Already content
1-2 years
3-5 years
More than 10 years
Don’t know

14. How long do you think it will take the government to sort out the economic problems of this country?
Already resolved
1-2 years
3-5 years
6-10 years
More than 10 years
Don’t know

Here is a scale for ranking how the economy works: the top, plus 100, is the best; the bottom, minus 100, the worst.
15. Where on this scale (SHOW CARD) would you put the Socialist economy before the revolution of 1989?

16. Where on this scale would you put our current economic system?

17. Where would you put our economic system in five years?

18. As for your own household, how do you rate its economic situation today?
Very satisfactory
Fairly satisfactory
Not very satisfactory
Very unsatisfactory

19. When you compare the overall economic situation of your household before the big changes in the economy, nine years ago, would you say that in the past it was:
Much better
A little better
About the same
A little worse
A lot worse

20. What do you think the economic situation of your household will be in five years?
Much better
A little better
About the same
A little worse
A lot worse

Here is a scale for ranking how our system of government works. The top, plus 100, is the best; the bottom, minus 100, the worst.
21. Where on this scale (SHOW CARD) would you put the former Communist regime?

22. Where on this scale would you put our current system of governing with free elections and many parties?

23. Where on this scale would you put our system of governing five years in the future?

Our present system of government is not the only one that this country has had. Some people say that we would be better off if the country was governed differently. What do you think? Please tell me for each point whether you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree.
24a. We should return to Communist rule
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree

24b. The army should govern the country
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree

24c. Best to get rid of Parliament and elections and have a strong leader who can quickly decide everything
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree

24d. A return to a monarchy would be better
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree

Please think of the difference between the old system of government under the Communists and our present system. I will read out a series of statements on this card. Please tell me for each point whether you think our present political system, by comparison with the Communists, is much better, somewhat better, equal, somewhat worse, much worse?
25a. Everybody is free to say what he or she thinks
Much better now
Somewhat better
Somewhat worse
Much worse now

25b. People can join any organization they want
Much better now
Somewhat better
Somewhat worse
Much worse now

25c. People can travel and live wherever they want
Much better now
Somewhat better
Somewhat worse
Much worse now

25d. Ordinary people can influence what government does
Much better now
Somewhat better
Somewhat worse
Much worse now

25e. People can live without fear of unlawful arrest
Much better now
Somewhat better
Somewhat worse
Much worse now

25f. Each person can decide whether or not to take an interest in politics
Much better now
Somewhat better
Somewhat worse
Much worse now

25g. Everybody is treated equally and fairly by the government
Much better now
Somewhat better
Somewhat worse
Much worse now

25h. Everybody is free to decide whether or not to practice a religion
Much better now
Somewhat better
Somewhat worse
Much worse now

26. By comparison with the former Communist regime, would you say that the level of corruption and taking bribes has:
Increased a lot
Increased a little
Remained the same
Decreased a little
Decreased a lot

There are many different institutions in this country, for example, government, courts, police, civil servants. Please show me on this 7-point scale, where 1 represents no trust and 7 great trust, how great is your personal trust in each of these institutions:
27a. Parties

27b. Courts

27c. Police

27d. Civil Servants

27e. Government

27f. Military

27g. Parliament

27h. Churches

27j. Trade unions

27k. Television, Radio

27l. Press, Newspapers

27m. Private enterprise

27n. President of this country

27p. Prime Minister of this country

27q. Most people you meet
Does not trust

34a. With which of the following do you most closely identify yourself?
Local community,
Other (family)
Don’t know

34b. And which would be your second choice?
Local community,
Other (family)
Don’t know

On this card you will find some contrasting statements. Please choose one and say whether you definitely or somewhat agree with it.
35a. It will take years for government to deal with the problems inherited from the Communists OR Our new system of government ought to be able to deal with problems right now, regardless of who caused them.
Take years to deal with
Deal with right now

35b. Rising prices are the biggest threat to my family OR Unemployment is the biggest threat for my family.
Rising prices

35c. Incomes should be made more equal so there are no big differences in income OR Individual achievement should determine how much people are paid; more successful should be paid more.
Incomes more equal
Success paid more

35d. Individuals should be responsible for their own welfare OR The state should be responsible for everyone’s economic security.
Individuals responsible
State responsible

35e. State ownership is the best way to run an enterprise OR An enterprise is best run by private entrepreneurs.
State ownership
Private entrepreneurs

35f. It is better to have lots of goods in the shops even if the prices are much higher OR It is better when prices are kept low by the state even though there are often few goods in the shops.
High prices, many goods
Low prices, few goods

35g. Our country should develop like West European countries OR Our country should develop in keeping with our national traditions and values.
West European countries
National traditions

37. If our country were to join the European Union in the future, would you feel strongly in favour, somewhat in favour, somewhat opposed or strongly opposed?
Strongly in favour
Somewhat in favour
Somewhat opposed
Strongly opposed

44. Are you proud to be a citizen of this country?
Very proud
Somewhat proud
Not very proud
Not at all proud
Don't know

55. Tell me for each of the following countries how close you feel to that country in terms of lifestyle, customs and culture? Is it very close, fairly close, somewhat different or very different?
55a. Germany
Very close
Fairly close
Somewhat different
Very different

55b. Austria
Very close
Fairly close
Somewhat different
Very different

55c. Russia
Very close
Fairly close
Somewhat different
Very different

55d. Hungary
Very close
Fairly close
Somewhat different
Very different

55e. Romania
Very close
Fairly close
Somewhat different
Very different

55f. Greece
Very close
Fairly close
Somewhat different
Very different

56. On this card you will find some statements. Tell me whether you strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree.
56a. I would rather be a citizen of this country than any other
Strongly agree
Neither agree, disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
Don't know

56b. Generally this country is as good or better than most other countries
Strongly agree
Neither agree, disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
Don't know

56c. There are a lot of things I don't like about this country
Strongly agree
Neither agree, disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
Don't know

56d. My life would have been better if I had been born in some other country
Strongly agree
Neither agree, disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
Don't know

In the European Union all citizens of a member country have the right to work in the other member countries. If our country should become a member of the EU, will you or another member of your family:
D1a. Go abroad to work for some weeks
Very likely
Somewhat likely
No chance

D1b. Go abroad to work for some months
Very likely
Somewhat likely
No chance

D1c. Work abroad for some years
Very likely
Somewhat likely
No chance

D1d. Emigrate and live permanently in another country
Very likely
Somewhat likely
No chance

S1. Are you:

S2. What age are you?
Standard deviation

S3. What is your family situation?
Married, live together

S6. What is your level of education?

S18. What age were you when you finished your education?
Standard deviation

S4. Town size
1-1,999 inhabitants
2,000-2,999 inhabitants
3,000-5,999 inhabitants
6,000-9,999 inhabitants
Capital, chief city

S19. What type of town do you live in?
Rural village
Village near town
Rural town
Small industrial town
Med. town, little industry na
Med. town, lot industry
Big central city

S20. What region do you live in?
Belgrade district
Central Serbia

S10. How many people are in your household?

S5. How many children are in your household?

S21.What nationality are you?
No answer

S7. Does your household have any of the following: (% saying yes)
S7a. Colour television
S7e. Video recorder
S7f. Video camera
S7i. Cassette player
S7j. Record player
S7k. CD player
S7l. Phone
S7m. Motorcycle
S7n. Moped
S7o. Car
S7q. Personal computer
S7t. Refrigerator
S7v. Microwave
S7w. Dishwasher
S7y. Dacha
S7z. Garden

CSPP School of Government & Public Policy U. of Strathclyde Glasgow G1 1XQ Scotland