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SPP 372

Author: Richard Rose
Description: Paradigms for monitoring governance and economic growth have been developed in established democracies and industrial societies. However, the assumptions embedded in them do not take into account distinctive circumstances of societies in transition, for example, the rule of law may not be followed or economic activity can involve cash in hand transactions not officially recorded, or household production of goods and services without money changing hands. In such circumstances, we need to expand our analytic framework and seek reliable and valid data from unofficial as well as official sources. This paper shows how a familiar social science methodology, nationally representative sample surveys, can provide empirical data relevant to major issues of public policy. A multi-dimensional approach to micro-economic monitoring is illustrated with survey data from Russia. Survey methods for understanding governance better are illustrated with data from the Global Barometer Survey network covering New European democracies, Latin America, Africa and East Asia.

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Price: £4.00
Postal Address:    CSPP Publications, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, G1 1XQ, UK

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