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Population: 6,651,000. Biggest city: Katowice (351,000)
Urban population: 72%. Rural: 28%
Area: 25,071 square km. Density: 265 persons/sq. km.

Indicator Regional value    Polish mean    % Polish mean 

Gross domestic product in '000,000 zlotys, 1995    55,455 41,243 134
Present household living standard good, % 33 27 122
Current economic situation of Poland good, % 24 20 120
Value added (gross) per capita in zlotys 7,407 6,446 115
Monthly disposable income/head, zlotys 504 449 112
Gross domestic product per capita in zlotys 8,338 7,477 112
Consumer goods, % with all 3: TV, VCR, car 39 36 108
Expect living standard better next year, % 21 21 100

Have second job, % 20 20 100
Working in services, % 42 43 100
Registered employment rate, % 83 85 98
Job is secure, % 49 57 86
Private sector, % working population 53 62 85

Hospital beds per 10,000 inhabitants 61 55 110
Believe situation is going in right direction, % 44 41 107
Health is good, % 52 51 102
Area where I live is calm and safe, % 73 72 101
Life expectancy: men 67 67 100
Life expectancy: women 75 76 99
Students per 10,000 inhabitants 159 203 78

Administrative Divisions (provinces and voivoids*): South-western region. *In 1998, Poland underwent local government re-organization, which led to the merger of the 49 voivoids into 16 new provinces.

Provinces (new sub-national units, 1998-)    Subsumes the following voivoids (old sub-national units)
Slaskie (Pop. 4,894,000)
Area: 12,294
Capital city: Katowice (351,000)
Katowice (Pop.  3,925,000)
Bielsko-Biala (Pop. 919,000)
Czêstochowa (Pop. 782,000)
Opolskie (Pop. 1,091,000)
Area: 9,412 sq. km.
Capital city: Opole (130,000)
Opole (Pop. 1,025,000)

CSPP School of Government & Public Policy U. of Strathclyde Glasgow G1 1XQ Scotland