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Population: 5,684,000. Biggest city: Poznan (581,000)
Urban population: 59%. Rural: 41%
Area: 52,260 square km. (about 1/6 total land area). Density: 109 persons per sq. km.

Indicator Regional value    Polish mean    % Polish mean 

Consumer goods, % with all 3: TV, VCR, car 43 36 119
Current economic situation of Poland good, % 21 20 105
Present household living standard good, % 28 27 104
Gross domestic product in '000,000 zlotys, 1995    42,099 41,243 102
Gross domestic product per capita in zlotys 7,406 7,477 99
Value added (gross) per capita in zlotys 6,356 6,446 99
Monthly disposable income/head, zlotys 435 449 97
Expect living standard better next year, % 20 21 95

Private sector, % working population 66 62 105
Registered employment rate, % 85 85 100
Working in services, % 41 43 97
Have second job, % 19 20 95
Job is secure, % 54 57 95

Area where I live is calm and safe, % 74 72 103
Health is good, % 52 51 102
Believe situation is going in right direction, % 41 41 100
Life expectancy: men 67 67 100
Life expectancy: women 75 76 100
Hospital beds per 10,000 inhabitants 50 55 91
Students per 10,000 inhabitants 183 203 90

Administrative Divisions (provinces and voivoids*): Central-Western Region *In 1998, Poland underwent local government re-organization, which led to the merger of the 49 voivoids into 16 new provinces.

Provinces (new sub-national units, 1998-)    Subsumes the following Voivoids (old sub-national units)
Wielkopolskie (Pop. 3,346,000)
Area: 29,826 sq. km.
Capital city: Poznan (581,000)
Poznan (Pop.  1,354,000)
Kalisz (Pop. 722,000)
Konin (Pop. 480,000)
Leszno (Pop. 397,000)
Kujawsko-Pomorskie (Pop. 2,098,000)
Area: 17,970 sq. km.
Capital city: Bydgoszcz (386,000)
Bydgoszcz (Pop. 1,132,000)
Torun (Pop. 671,000)
Pila (Pop. 494,000)
Wloclawek (Pop. 435,000)

CSPP School of Government & Public Policy U. of Strathclyde Glasgow G1 1XQ Scotland