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Population: 20,436,000.   Biggest city: Yekaterinburg (formerly Sverdlovsk) (1,392,000)
Flying time from Moscow to Yekaterinburg (the biggest city): 2 hours.
Time difference from Moscow: +1-2 hours.
Urban population: 74%.     Rural population: 26%.
Area: 824,000 square km (slightly larger than Turkey)    Density: 25 persons / sq. km.
Climate zones: Ranging from dry steppes in the far south to taiga forests in the far north.

Socio-economic indicators (1999 Duma Vote)        As the second most populous region of Russia, the Urals has a large Gross Domestic Product, based primarily on urban economic activity. The GDP per capita is also just above the national average, while the average monthly wage is slightly below average. Indicative of difficulties in the economy there, the proportion with wages paid in full is below the national average.

Privatization has not altered the old Soviet-style industrial structure. The proportion of employees in ex-state enterprises in the Urals is above the national average, while the proportion in new private enterprises created is a quarter below the national average.

Urals Regional value    Russian mean    % Russian mean 

GDP 1995 bln rbls 204,672 127,531 160
Current national economy not bad: % 22 19 116
Consumer goods: % with VCR 38 34 112
GDP/capita rbls, million 10 10 105
Industrial productivity mln rbls/employee 67 66 102
Wage levels 1000 rbls/month, 1995 444 472 94
Current household economy not bad: % 40 45 89
Wages paid in full in previous month, % 42 49 86

Job is secure, % 56 50 112
Have second job previous month: % 20 19 105
Employed, % labour force 92 91 101
Prepared to move to find a job: % 15 17 88
Employment sector: services, % 40 49 81
Employer: new private, % 17 23 74

Hospital beds per 10,000 133 126 106
Read newspapers regularly: % 69 67 103
Life expectancy in years (female) 72 72 100
Life expectancy in years (male) 58 58 100
Life is bearable, % 50 52 96
Expect life to improve next year: % 20 21 95
Students in higher education per 10,000    146 179 82
Population change, % -.4 -.6 --


Administrative divisions:

Sverdlovsk Oblast(Pop. 4,667,800)
Capital: Yekaterinburg (formerly Sverdlovsk) (1,392,000)
Orenburg Oblast (Pop.  2,225,800)
Capital: Orenburg (576,000)
Bashkortostan Republic (Pop. 4,103,900)
Capital: Ufa (1,097,000)
Udmurt Republic (Pop.  1,635,700)
Capital: Izhevsk (653,000) 
Chelyabinsk Oblast(Pop. 3,675,400)
Capital: Chelyabinsk (1,151,000)
Kurgan Oblast (Pop. 1,104,700)
Capital: Kurgan (368,000)
Perm Oblast (Pop. 2,996,800)
Capital: Perm (1,100,000)
Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug (Within Perm Oblast, pop. 158,000)
Capital: Kudymkar (33,000)

CSPP School of Government & Public Policy U. of Strathclyde Glasgow G1 1XQ Scotland